Pin-Ups For Vets And Cooking With The Troops Partner For Operation Fight Post Holiday Blues

| October 25, 2010

Snagged and tagged from Laughing Wolf at Blackfive. I know you guys never stop thinking about the troops, but the holidays are coming up – most of you remember the holidays with the big green or blue machines;

The post-holiday blues can be bad enough on those who are healthy, and fully engaged in their normal activities. Stop for a moment and consider what it might be like for a member of the U.S. or Allied forces who find themselves evacuated to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s has been like a fire-hose of attention, visits, and more. Then, suddenly, it’s gone. They are alone in a hospital, in a foreign country, and away from friends, family, and normal support networks. Despite the dedicated efforts of staff and volunteers, the blues can hit hard.

Recognizing that, Gina Elise of the non-profit Pin-Ups for Vets ( and Cooking with the Troops ( have partnered to create Operation Fight Post Holiday Blues. This special event, timed for mid-January to have maximum effect, will combine a special dinner for a planned 150 people cooked by Guest Chef Ellen Adams (, with hospital and other visits by Gina to help drive the blues away. To aid this effort, the team is being joined by author Michael Z. Williamson (, who will also do visits, autographs, and give away books.

Full details on the event can be found at and all participants are available for interviews. To do this event, Pin-Ups for Vets and Cooking with the Troops are looking to raise $15,000. Donations can be made by mail, or online at via PayPal. Donors can note on the donation that it is for Operation Fight Post-Holiday Blues. Any funds raised that are not used will be used to support future operations at Pin-Ups for Vets and Cooking with the Troops.

Category: Support the troops

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Old Tanker

Gina Elise, now there’s a holiday dish for ya!!!


This is eyecandy payback for us having to look at the photo in “Duff: Some fat Jew called and he wants you to attack US”? I’ll take it!


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