Retired Colonel puts rich boy in his place

| October 21, 2010

I picked this up at Ace of Spades yesterday, but I’ve been holding on to it for days like this. It seems that Retired Colonel Chris Gibson is facing off with Scott Murphy – another of those Hah-vahd grads who carpetbagged themselves into New York State. Chris Gibson, on the other hand is a born and bred New Yorker who graduated from Sienna College (near Albany) with an ROTC Commission. Gibson rose through the ranks through four tours of Iraq, a trip to Kosovo and most recently commanded the 2d Brigade Combat Team of the 82d Airborne Division to Haiti. According to his bio, he has a Purple Heart, 4 Bronze Star Medals, 3 Legions of Merit, Ranger Tab and a CIB.

Anyway, Gibson’s opponent, what’s-his-name-snooty-carpetbagger-lawyer-guy, accused Gibson of wanting to send jobs overseas. Go to 1:30 in this video to see his response;

In case you missed it; “the only thing that I’ve shipped overseas in the last few years has been myself and my paratroopers to fight for this country.”

According to the Albany Times-Union;

A public poll last month showed Murphy leading Gibson, but a Republican-sponsored poll released Tuesday claims Gibson is leading by three points.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Veterans in politics

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Get some Colonel! Airborne!!


“This just in: Congressman Scott Murphy has been admitted to Glens Falls Hospital with severe burns covering 95% of his body. Early reports indicate he received these burns during a debate in which political opponent Chris Gibson’s response to one of Murphy’s charges was so strong that Murphy burst into flames on the spot. More at six.”


Lead the Way, Col. Lead the way.

Old Tanker

Let me take a wild guess……Murphy is endorsed by the VFW-PAC, VoteVets, and IAVA?

Adirondack Patriot

Old Tanker: You’re right! Don Pardo, tell him what he’s won!

By the way, Murphy is NOT a lawyer. He’s a Missouri native who moved into the Congressional District I formerly called home. It’s where my family and hometown friends live.

When I lived there we had Gerald Solomon as our Congressman. Murphy couldn’t carry Solomon’s dental floss.

Go Gibson!


Two things that I saw…the crowd. When is the last time you saw that many people turning out for a local election. Heh- damm tea partiers!! 🙂

As for the Colonel? Yeah, kicking ass and taking names.