Poster girl for DADT to reenlist

| October 20, 2010

The latest news on DADT is that Judge Virginia Phillips has rejected the Justice Department’s application for a stay of her order to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

The Defense Department has said it would comply with Phillips’ order and had frozen any discharge cases. Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said Tuesday recruiters had been given top-level guidance to accept applicants who say they are gay.

This prompted the poster girl of the DADT, Dan Choi, to walk into a recruiting station in Times Square and apply for reenlistment. This was Choi in March;


If his unit had gone ahead and prosecuted him for chaining himself to the White House fence, they wouldn’t have to deal with this now.

Do I have anything against Choi for being gay? Nope. What I have a problem with is his inability to conform to a policy as an officer appointed by Congress. And now, he’s daring the Army to reject his enlistment for ANY reason. He’s not fit to serve because he doesn’t understand the concept of “serving” or conduct unbecoming an officer.

The Advocate reported that he was “tweeting” his attempt to reenlist. Who does that if they’re not doing it for political reasons? If he gets to be the subject of a blanket party as an enlisted “man”, it won’t be because of his sexual preferences, it’ll be because he’s such a little prick who deserves the wrath of his peers.

Category: Military issues

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but, in reality, EVERYTHING will be because he’s gay. Those meanies.

Old Trooper

Heh, heh, heh; Poster girl. That’s funny shit.


Infantry only. Combat zone only. Keep him there until the next time he’s chained to something, it’s to keep him upright because his nervous system CAN’T.


There is reason to blame the American Psychiatric Association for dropping homosexuality from their list of mental disorders having given in to pressure from demonstrations by people with the disorders they should be treating. And those in medical research for not doing their job. And judges who dictate destructive policy under the guise of civil rights.

I did not mention legislators who vote to pass bills they have not read and don’t have a clue what is in the bill or what the consequences are for the American people. The congress can cut off judges decisions but if legislators have no interest in the legislation the judge is using for the decision why would anyone expect the legislators would protect the intent of the laws they pass from being corrupted by judges.

Who is to blame, corrupt people in elected and appointed office.


Well said PN.

Old Tanker

Ah, no. You violated policy…you don’t get a do over.

Question, what will all of the shitbirds do to get out of deployments now that they can’t plead gay anymore?


Holy Crap!

I can here it now ‘Bravo 2-5 Check yer 6!, Check yer 6!’

Remember November!!!



He’s got blower’s cramp in that photo.

Anyway, I kind of take issue with the statement: “Do I have anything against Choi for being gay?”

It’s never been about what you are. It’s about what you do. In fact, it isn’t even about that. It’s about TELLING everyone what you do, which is what Choi did. (While simeltaneously claiming that what he does in his bedroom is his business.

You’re right that he should have faced some kind of penalty for the White House stunt.


Oh, and Hainer:

You should really read about the APA’s decision to remove Same Sex Attraction Disorder from their manual. Unbelieavble! Homosexuals came out to every convention every year until they got what they wanted. These days they want us to believe that they honestly studied the issue and came to the conclusion that there’s nothing wrong in their heads. Nope, nothing. Of course, it’s preposterous. They “studied” the issue in the shadow of an angry lynch mob and came to the conclusion that the lynch mob wanted.


Isn’t he facing the wrong direction in that photo?

Michael in MI

You should really read about the APA’s decision to remove Same Sex Attraction Disorder from their manual. Unbelieavble! Homosexuals came out to every convention every year until they got what they wanted.

So the “science” used by the APA regarding homosexuality was similar to the “science” used by the AGW believers regarding “man-caused global warming”. The only “science” used was ‘political science’, with more of a focus on the political and less on the science.


What would his status be as far as his rank? In the photo above, he’s wearing officers’ rank, isn’t he?


It looks like he enlisted in Times Square.

I wonder what MOS he chose.

And I agree, he’s trying to make this all about him. Not a good thing to do in the team oriented Army to have a diva wanting to have the world media focused on him every step of the way.

Remember Pat Tillman and how he absolutely refused any interviews or media coverage of him during his entire time in the Army?

This Dan is the complete opposite of him.

What’s next, a reality t.v. show of him in basic training, AIT, and then to his unit?



Nice to see its all about himself again.


The weasel is now being touted as the “Famous” on Yahoo news. It makes me want to throw up.



All I did was say the LT Choi was wrong for wearing his uniform at a political event on HUFFPO. I immediatly received 15 replies about what a horrible person I am.

No wonder I only have 1 Fanned total on that sight in 1 year commenting.