Poor immigrants deported for voting illegally

| October 16, 2010

Poor little ignorant Joseph E. Joseph was winding his way home from work one day in 1992 and decided it was time for him to vote so he registered and voted every year since. Problem is that Joe E. Joe was a registered alien and not a citizen, so now the government wants to deport him. Of course, he claims ignorance of the law and the lawyers (and the New York Times) are on his side (what a surprise);

“It really annoys me that they’re just trying to do their civic duty for no pecuniary gain at all, yet they wind up in removal proceedings,” said Jeffrey N. Brauwerman, a lawyer in Coral Gables, Fla., and a former immigration judge, who has represented four immigrants that the government tried to deport for registering to vote.

What really annoys me it that everyone thinks that they can ignore laws that they don’t think relate to them with no expectation of any consequences. The heritage Foundation says that voting by ineligible residents may more widespread than we think;

In a 2008 report, Hans A. von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the foundation, wrote: “Lax enforcement of election laws permits individuals who have not entered the American social compact or made a commitment to the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, and the U.S. cultural and political heritage to participate in elections and potentially change the outcome of closely contested races.”

I wonder how many Americans vote in foreign elections and what the consequences of that might be.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Poor Joseph Y Joe-Jose! He must have screwed up his illegal immigrant registration form with ACORN and voted for a conservative. Damn! It’s just not fair! Now poor Jose’s shit is going south of the Rio Grande and simultaneously the United States of Pelosi is losing another good unlicensed construction worker/food stamp recipient/Wal-Mart shopper/uninsured motorist. It just ain’t right, I tell ya!!!

Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Ret.

Bag ’em and tag ’em!

AW1 Tim

Heh… well, it’s a start.

I’ll say this much……. I am convinced that anyone who wants to vote should be required to show proof of ID at the polling place. No ID, no vote.


Three questions:

1. Where is this guy from originally?
2. He has been doing this for 18 years. It takes less time to get citizenship. Why didn’t he cover that base long ago?
3. Why has this been going on for 18 years and never been caught?


I’m about half convinced that Heinlein had it right in Starship Troopers.


Nevermind. Two minutes of research answered two of my questions. He is not an illegal alien. He is a legal permanent resident (but not a citizen) who immigrated here in 1984. He is originally from St. Kitts, a beautiful area in the Caribbean. So that just leaves my last question. Since he has been doing this since 1992, why is it just being caught now?

Michael in MI

“Since he has been doing this since 1992, why is it just being caught now?”

Easy. Because the Democrats don’t want people like him caught, or voting laws enforced (just like they don’t want immigration laws enforced) and the Republicans don’t have the will/balls/spines to actually do anything about it. In addition, the MF-ing media sides with Democrats on this issue. Hell, the Left believes that forcing people to show identification at polling places is “discrimination” and “disenfranchisement” and “racist”. For some reason, forcing people to show ID for cigarettes, alcohol, seeing an R-rated movie and to open a bank account is a-okay, but in order to vote… RAAAACIST discrimination!

Thus, nothing will be done about it.


Michael in MI:

Looks like something is being done about it now, he is being deported. However, being that St Kitts is a tropical paradise with a decent economy, excellent education, and almost no crime, I don’t know why he came here in 1984 to begin with.


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The irony here is vast, and profound.

Arizona is being sued… and for what?

We need to get behind whoever is prosecuting this thing.

Michael in MI

“Looks like something is being done about it now, he is being deported.”

Well yeah. But I was addressing your inquiry about why nothing was done for the past 18 years. Why they are finally upholding the law now, though, I have no idea.


It’s easy, Mike. Joseph was seen on TV at a Tea Party. And, after registering as democrat years ago.



I’ve been all the way convinced about the Starship Troopers citizenship requirements for years. To me, it makes complete sense.

I am absolutely for requiring proof of citizenship at the polling place before voting, because I suspect that the illegals voting thing is much more widespread than many realize.

In places like California, La Raza is fanatical about taking California back into Mexican possession, by whatever means works, including encouraging illegals voting in La Raza friendly political ho’s.

And pointing to a violation of the Jim Crow laws is a red herring.


Remember the Motor Voter Act that allowed easy registration to vote. And then the push to get drivers license for illegal aliens based on safety, insurance and responsibility. Well that resulted in wide fraud in voting. And the democrats pushed it.

Anyone interested can call up the Testimony of John Samples of the Cato Institute before The Committee on Rules and Administration, The United States Senate in 2001 on The Motor Voter Act and Voter Fraud.

As Tarzan would say, illegal immigrant vote good, US citizen military vote bad. My apologies, Tarzan would never say that, democrats would.

Michael in MI

“Joseph was seen on TV at a Tea Party. And, after registering as democrat years ago.”

Heh, sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case, UpNorth.

Michael in MI

“I’ve been all the way convinced about the Starship Troopers citizenship requirements for years. To me, it makes complete sense.”

At the very least, I think it would make sense that only people who pay taxes — either property and/or income — should be allowed to vote. Living off government handouts, no vote for you. It would give incentive to people to improve their positions in life in order to vote and it would prevent those getting handouts — ie forcing their fellow taxpaying citizens to subsidize them — from continuing to vote more handouts for themselves.

My idea — which will never happen — is to require people take the US Constitution test as a prerequisite for voting. Remember that 100-question test we had to take in grammar school? 7th grade I think. In my school, if we didn’t pass it, we didn’t pass history class. So people who didn’t get a passing grade on the test, had to keep taking it until they passed. It was really easy, just basic multiple choice and fill in the blank questions about government (“How many branches of government?”, “Name them”, “What fraction vote of the Senate is required to veto the President?” etc). I got a 99/100 on it. But, obviously this would never happen, considering the Left calls it “racist” and “disenfranchisement” simply to ask for ID, let alone require anyone taking a test.