Update on stolen Purple Heart
You may remember the story about Michael Demich, the 89-year-old World War II veteran whose house was burglarized. Among the items stolen was his Purple Heart for wounds he got while engaged in military operations in France. Well, BooRadley sends an update that the Purple Heart has been returned.
The man, probably in his 40s and with a young girl accompanying him, told Demich he bought the items for $10 and, when his wife told him about the newspaper article she read, he knew he had to return the items.
Demich tried to offer the man a reward, but the man declined, saying he only wanted to return what belonged to Demich.
Mr. Demich and his family have received hundreds of phone calls and letters of support from his community and from across the nation.
“We want to thank everybody for all the response. It’s overwhelming … People from around the country are reaching out,” [Demich’s daughter, Linda] Harrell said. “It’s so nice that this has touched everybody’s heart … This shows that people are sincere and do care about him.”
It looks like nothing but good news so far this morning.
Category: Real Soldiers
Hats off to the guy who returned it for declining any reward. Nice to see people doing the right thing…
What about his wedding ring?
This little tidbit of news made my day.