VoteVets want illegal immigrants to commit suicide

| September 21, 2010

Hey, I can put two unrelated subjects together and make stuff up, too.

dicksmith tried to put round pegs in square holes by explaining why immigration reform belongs in the Defense Authorization Bill;

Currently, these undocumented immigrants do not have the ability to serve in the Armed Forces. Again, these are American high school graduates who came here as minors, brought by their parents and often have no memory of their home country. They did not willingly violate the laws of the United States, and are Americans in all but paperwork. For those who wish to serve, the DREAM Act would allow them them that opportunity. You see, the DREAM act doesn’t just give these immigrants a pass. It only gives them legal resident status for six years, in which time they must obtain a degree of high education or serve in the United States Armed Forces.

Clearly, the Armed Forces is the better option.

dicksmith has been on-and-on about the suicide rate in the military and despite actual math and facts declares that military service causes military members to kill themselves. So I can extrapolate that to mean that VoteVets is upset that more illegal immigrants of military age aren’t committing suicide. See how easy it is to be a frontpager at VoteVets?

dicksmith continues;

This isn’t a partisan issue, or one of pandering for votes. The military wants the DREAM Act passed.

When VoteVets declares that something isn’t partisan or pandering, put your money on partisan and pandering.

I’d like to know how he knows that the entire military wants the immigration reform passed. He quotes a “Strategic Goals” paper which also says, besides the desire for the DREAM Act, they’d like to recruit from previously medically restricted members of the population. It sounds like the Pentagon is taking cues from their political masters by endorsing their policies. But to dicksmith that means the whole military is ready to help criminals join the military.

This is exactly like VoteVets multi-million-dollar support of the Energy bill. Everything is related to the military, if you pay Jon Soltz enough money.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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I have to admit, if they had left out the part about “college”, I would have been fer it.
I’m all fer illegals becoming legal by serving in the military.


“..and are Americans in all but paperwork”!

The paperwork is such a small detail for them, isn’t it? What they’re saying is that they’re American except for the fact that they aren’t.

Also, I find it funny that they think that going to college and serving in the military are somehow equivalent. Serving in the military is something you do for your country. Going to college is something you do for yourself. Nothing wrong with either of them, I did both. But I didn’t think that going to college (on someone else’s dime, I’m sure) means that youy’ve paid your dues.

I’ve got a plan. Mass deportation.

Cedo Alteram

Excellent take down Jonn.


I’m an American currently living in Brazil because I have an only son living here with his Brazilian mother. On the news here they are showing many Brazilians returning to Brazil because it is getting tougher and tougher to get work in the US. We don’t need mass deportation, all we need is to enforce e-verify nationwide and punish employers who sidestep the system and hire illegals. As long as we make it desirable to work in the US illegally, they will continue to come.