Diliberto on “Crazed Christians”

| September 12, 2010

Jake Diliberto from “Rethinking Afghanistan” and a frequent visitor here, sent us a link to his latest piece on Huffington Post entitled “Crazed Christians: Two Lifesized Looney Tunes” about Terry Jones and Fred Phelps and their handful of acolytes and somehow Diliberto blames all of Christendom for these few idiots.

Christian leaders should take these real-life cartoon characters as a wake-up call. No one will dislike the church who feeds the poor and provides health care for others (except, of course, Glenn Beck).

Now, I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that there isn’t some Grand Council of Christians who can condemn to death folks who commit themselves to an odd and distasteful branch of Christianity. And I don’t know what kind of “wake up call” is required. Blaming the entirety of the Christian religion for the acts of a few is fairly narrow-minded and smacks of bigotry. To hint that “Christian leaders” are somehow responsible by their inaction is just plain ignorant.

Diliberto begins his article by comparing these two knuckleheads to some of the worst events in history;

Between the Crusades, the Great Schism, the Thirty Years’ War, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, and the Christian genocide of Native Americans, Christianity has plenty of black eyes to go around.

OK, all of you Christians who took part in any of those events, please raise your hands. Really? No one? OK, let me see the hands of those of you who condone those incidents. None of you? Then WTH point is Diliberto trying to make?

I read the other articles Diliberto wrote on Huffington Post and I don’t see one that condemns any other religion for real atrocities like throwing acid on schoolgirls, blowing up shopping centers, blowing up train loads of commuters, stabbing ideological opponents on a public street in Europe, raiding tourist hotels with guns, bombs and grenades, shooting up unarmed soldiers in Texas, attempted bombings in Chicago and New York, shooting two privates in Arkansas on a smoke break…need I go on? And those are things that happened in the last few years and happen every day – not something that happened centuries ago.

If Diliberto can blame Christians for the misguided antics of two sects, why doesn’t he blame Islam for the deadly and terroristic (my own word, don’t look it up) behavior of several thousand Muslims?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Terror War

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Yeah, but their crazies are better than ours…


Last time I checked, Christian leaders were quick to denounce the actions of zealots such as those freaks.

Apparently, that coin is one-sided.


This is ridiculous. I get tired of this kind of writing. More hypocrisy, as usual.


Look up the word, “projection” in the dictionary, and you’ll find Diliberto’s picture.


the fact that this is so common, and tolerated is what is insane to me. people hate christianity so much they’ll embrace homicide, rape and torture before they “tolerate” free (albeit crazy) speech from Christians.

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing….


Q: “If Diliberto can blame Christians for the misguided antics of two sects, why doesn’t he blame Islam for the deadly and terroristic (my own word, don’t look it up) behavior of several thousand Muslims?”

A: Because he’s an anti-Christian bigot.


Ah Dilberto is well schooled in the Marxist theory of political debate.

“Forget logic, just demonize everyone”

Michael in MI

“OK, let me see the hands of those of you who condone those incidents.”
I 100% condone the Crusades, since they were wars of defense against the Muslim wars of world domination at the time.

Everything else though, yeah, don’t know anyone who condones any of that.

Old Tanker

Ah Dilberto is well schooled in the Marxist theory of political debate.

“Forget logic, just demonize everyone””

Fred, I think that should be

“Forget logic, just demonize everyone”…..except the actual terrorist assholes

Chris Capps-Schubert

I´ll demonize terrorist A-holes, everyone who bombs, burns, kidnaps, and assasinates abortion clinic workers on behalf of “life” or “faith” or any other grounds deserves a trial and a lengthy prison sentence.



Don’t people that kill or assault abortion clinic workers already get prison sentences? Yep.

I think the real deal with the Left is demonize everyone who doesn’t act in your interests.

Chris Capps-Schubert

You´re quite right, and my intentions are to destroy Christianity and America, which is why I support terrorists (and the 4th crusade). The problem with muslim terrorists though is that they don´t always get trials.

The Right is the epitome of tolerance, and they would never demonize people who don´t act in their interests, thats just ridiculous.


Good point.

Old Trooper

Hey Capps-Schubert; GFY

Old Trooper

Where Diliberto stops thinking is when he calls 2 obscure, fringe types “crazed” and attempts to equate them with those that use their religion to say, oh, I don’t know; ram planes full of innocent people into buildings to kill more innocent people? When the cartoons were released; what group was it that started rioting and threatening death to all who insult islam??? I know it wasn’t christians and jews. Who was it that rioted when muslims burned American flags and copies of the bible?? That would be no one. Who rioted when there was a false story about a koran flushed in a toilet at Gitmo?? I don’t think it was the Hindu’s or Buddhist types. How many mosques have been converted to christian churches like what the muslims did to christian churches in Constantinople? I don’t think we have to take off our shoes at the airport and put them through the scanner because of a “crazed” christian. I don’t think we have to now go through a full body scanner because of a christian underwear bomber. I’m pretty sure that Nadal “the limp dick” Hasan was a converted “crazed” christian. I didn’t see a massive riot and killings for a picture by an “artist” of a crucifix in a jar of urine. In fact, I didn’t see any catholic altar boy running into a crowd at the Met with a bomb under his robe and blow everyone up because of it. Yeah, the “crazed” christians bitch and burn a book. Ooooooooooo, scary shit.


“In fact, I didn’t see any catholic altar boy running into a crowd at the Met with a bomb under his robe and blow everyone up because of it.”

Ya, cuz he couldn’t get out from under his priest long enough to do it……..

Just saying. 🙂


Seriously? You’re going to come in here calling yourself “Jacobite” and spew that horseshit?

Jake Diliberto

Well, Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately, I guess SOME of you missed my Christian apologetics within the article. Recall, I praised the works of a local church in Topeka called Topeka Bible Church. I praised this church for their work with teaching, healthy family systems, their work with “military families”, and their work with addicts. I also gave a quick exegete the Acts 19 stating, these “two crazed christians” have not read their bibles and they do not speak for all of Christendom. Secondly, in the piece, i challenged Christians, because I am one. I have a right and duty to speak to my community. Not for my own kingdom sake, but that I might influence the conservative bible-believing Christians to adhere to their bibles and speak out against these crazy looney tunes. Thirdly, In regards to the Marxist commentary, and the criticizing of Islam. — I said, “As a seminary graduate and a former pastor, I recommend that Fred Phelps and Terry Jones not be regarded as the Christian example”. Nothing in that statement gives terrorists a pass, nor am I ignoring 9/11. The piece had nothing to do with 9/11, it had to do with the burning of the Koran and these Christian Pastors being abusive. Moreover, I made a slight recommendation that “this 9/11 Americans might give their neighbors a fruit basket.” That means, instead of picketing dead soldiers funerals, or picketing mosque sites, or burning the American Flag or burning the Koran. Buy your neighbor a fruit basket. It seems more productive to me, but I guess by me saying “buy a fruit basket” somehow I turned into a Marxist or being passse on terrorism. Gentleman and ladies, you have to give credit where credit is due. 800 words is not enough to tackle every issue in the Abrahamic faith tradition. My piece was not Marxist in anyway, nor was it giving the terrorists a pass as Fred and Old Tanker infer. In fact, I recall stating on Larry King Live, “We must Go and find Al-Queda”…. Fourthly, in terms of me and my position on… Read more »

Jake Diliberto

Jacobite is not Jake D — I do not know that guy 🙂


No problem Jake. 🙂

Jacobite = Dave Gordon, first and second generation American of Scottish (dad was a Brit subject) and Polish/Lithuanian decent (second gen on Mom’s side), retired US Army SSG, hailing from central Arizona. And I’m a rabid agnostic. lol

And yes ROS, I’m calling myself ‘Jacobite’. It’s a nod to a number of things the Seumasaich in those times stood for, among which was James’ attempts to introduce wider religious tolerances, resistance to an over reaching central government, and the romanticism of the feudal clan’s independence.
If you pay more than a token bit of attention to the history of the uprisings you’ll realize that more than half of the Jacobite’s support and force in England and Scotland came from the Episcopal church (Scottish branch), with the remainder being a mix, of which the Catholics were a definite minority. The Catholics only played a majority role in the Jacobite uprising in Ireland.
In addition, each of the uprisings had far more to do with politics and royal wrangling than they ever had to do with religion.
Adopting the moniker ‘Jacobite’ in no way makes it incorrect or unseemly to castigate the Church of Rome for the problem it seems to have with some of it’s minister’s obvious preoccupation with little boys.


I’m more than a little familiar with the ideology of Jacobites, sugar. My paternal grandmother’s surname was Wallace. 🙂

I merely find it ironic that you choose a moniker which represents those who thought they’d be free from religious persecution, yet you do just that.

Plus, I find great humor in the fact that a dozen words inspire you to write volumes. 😀

Moran taing.


“My paternal grandmother’s surname was Wallace.”


“a moniker which represents those who thought they’d be free from religious persecution”

Maybe that’s what it represents to you pookie.

‘S e do bheatha.



You omitted a comma. I’m just sayin’.:)

The Green-eyed Monster has spoken.


LOL. 🙂