WV Senate race tightens
The Senate seat vacated by Robert Byrd’s long-overdue death earlier this year in West Virginia was supposed to be an easy win for Democrat Governor Joe Manchin III a few months ago, but, according to the Washington Times, the race between Manchin and Morgantown business executive John Raese has closed to a point lead for Manchin;
While the governor and both U.S. senators are Democrats, West Virginia has leaned Republican in recent national elections, supporting George W. Bush twice and backing Sen. John McCain over Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. About 70 percent of state residents disapprove of the job Mr. Obama is doing, according to the most recent Rasmussen survey.
This is Raese’s third run at the Senate seat. The Democrat thinks he can distract West Virginian voters by declaring that they are unique among Democrats;
Mr. Manchin told the Associated Press that West Virginia Democrats are different, not attached to national labels.
“Washington could use a good dose of West Virginia,” the governor said.
Yeah, but does that dose of West Virginia mean a vote against Harry Reid for the Senate majority leader? I doubt it. And that means the economy-killing agenda goes forward next year with Pelosi, Reid and Obama in the van.
Here’s the Raese ad I’ve seen most often here;
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks
Hadn’t seen that ad here, no local TV. I voted for him last week, but never knew how to pronounce his name??