Begging to differ with Blogfather Lilyea

| July 10, 2008

I took what Jonn stated here at face value, and assumed it was the lamest protest ever, until I got my semi-weekly love missive from Code Pink.  If you haven’t signed up for their alerts, you must do so dahling.

 A little background first.  Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY 5th) is an unapologetic liberal opposed to the war in Iraq.


This war has not made the American people safer, our military stronger, or the region more stable. We must responsibly redeploy our troops so we can refocus on the real war on terrorism and rebuild our military readiness.

But he’s also pragmatic, and understands that the Iranians are bad news, what with the wanting to wipe Israel off the map and all.  So he introduced:

H. CON. RES. 362

Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the threat posed to international peace, stability in the Middle East, and the vital national security interests of the United States by Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and regional hegemony, and for other purposes.

Naturally, this pissed off the Code Pink grannies, who sent this in their missive to me:

We …strive to do whatever we can to protect our sisters and brothers in Iran as President Bush rattles his saber in their direction. This Wednesday, our CODEPINK flotilla staged a “peace blockade” around the Washington DC houseboat of Congressman Gary Ackerman, see press release here! Ackerman, who just last year told us he’d love to go to Iran and get on a bicycle to promote peace, has proposed House Resolution 362 a naval blockade of Iran that sets us on the path to war.

So, I went to the link for this mighty flotilla taking down the EVIL REP ACKERMAN. 

It wasn’t much, a mini-flotilla of three canoes and an inflatable raft — not even enough to surround Ackerman’s aquatic home. But the 15 activists from Code Pink wanted to encourage Ackerman (D-Jamaica Estates) to tone down his rhetoric against Iran.

After enduring nearly 30 minutes of sirens, whistles, drumbeats and megaphone chanting, Ackerman — wearing his trademark carnation in his lapel and a floral tie — emerged with a kiss and a hug for the ringleader.


 (Photo by Michael Temchine / July 9, 2008)

 That’s right people, three canoes and an inflatable raft!  That must have been some scary shi’ite watching these ladies descend on his houseboat in such menacing fashion.  It really conjurs up images of blue-painted Celts with accompanying druids attacking Roman legionnaires, or men fighting through the waves of Normandy to reach the shores, or when the Muppets took on the Pirates in Treasure Island. 

Jonn: I will see your geriatrics sleeping and raise you pink clad commandoes on their sloops of death.  They should have dressed like Indians and dumped all his belongings into the Potomac for daring to suggest such a thing!  But I am sure they had a Smurfy time.

 UPDATE: Curses, looks like did the same post at the same time.  Only theirs also had some video, so here you are. 

UPDATE x2:  Is the chick with the bullhorn cute?  And is it the blond girl on right?  Like the way the Pinkers are going though. 


Also, a buddy suggested that Ackerman has a twin on The Simpsons, your thoughts?

Ackerman and Hans Moleman, seperated at birth?


Category: Politics

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Bridget tFMC

“I will see your geriatrics sleeping and raise you pink clad commandoes on their sloops of death”


Too bad Medea and her pals didn’t keep paddling all the way down to Cuba…I’ve heard that Castro’s gulag is nice this time of year.

509th Bob

Yesterday, July Ninth, Two Thousand and Eight, a date which shall live in infamy, some fat liberal guy was suddenly and deliberately harangued by the naval and land forces of Code Pink.

Fortunately, the fat liberal guy surrendered immediately, and the unwashed bodies of the naval-borne Pink Codemandoes were spared the brutality of experiencing something suspiciously close to taking a bath.

Kumbaya was sung by all.


I think I’m gonna be sick.
Charlie Brown’s Teacher: wah wah wah wah wah wah.
That’s what they sound like. Ditzbrains.

Marooned in Marin

Darn! Where’s a rubber band and a tack when you need it!

LT Nixon

There’s no escaping the planet of the mole!