What Under the Hood really looks like

| August 24, 2010

Yeah, I know three days straight of this stuff, about Under the Hood and IVAW board members protesting one single day at Fort Hood. But every day they release something that they think is significant, and an unjaundiced eye can see that the protesters are a bunch on pussies and morons. You can sit through the entire ten minutes of this video is you want, but actually the first ten seconds and the last minute are you really need.

Five people stop six buses for three seconds, Bobby Whittenberg gets thrown to the ground by cops while the other four move back (I don’t see any automatic weapons or dogs like Matthis claimed in yesterday’s press release). It makes me sick to my stomach that this is being trumpeted across the internet as some great meaningful event. Five ignorant turds hopped up on free coffee stand on the side of the road and shout idiot chants.

They tout the fact that they weren’t arrested like it’s a sign that the police secretly support them. That America is behind them. If any of them had a brain in their skulls, they’d look at how no one shows up for their antics and arrive at the conclusion that no one cares what they think – especially since they spent nearly a month begging people to join them.

Total freakin’ success. Hu-Man!

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Old Tanker

Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Time to start the fuckin’ revolution man!

Dude is off his nut…


Funny how they took an anti-government song, and changed the lyrics so that it’d be anti-veteran.

“You’re gonna die for your country like shit.”
–Matthis Chiroux, Bobby Whittenberg, et al, to deploying soldiers.

Another quotable that should follow them around.

I doubt that the fat bitch in charge of UtH told her husband that he was going to die like shit when he deployed, but it’s A-Ok for her to scream it at other peoples’ spouses and kids. File that cunt in the same drawer as Brower. They’re both hypocritical ‘tards.

Casey J Porter

Wow, that first 20 sec was funny as shit. The last two minutes where lames as well. Also, I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again…


These people are so fucking stupid.

Oh, Cindy has been divorced for sometime.


“Fat bitch”? Really? You are such hateful people. I pity you.

By the way- no one is foolish enough to think the police are on the side of the anti-war activists. What an absurd thought, sprung from the bubbling venom of people almost as ignorant as they are full of hate. The fact that no one was arrested means one thing and one thing only: the military fears the press this action and future ones like it will bring. The same reason they moved the deployment from 3 pm to 4 am.

And it has to be said if it hasn’t been yet: WHOA you people are obsessed with UtH and anti-war activists in general. Have you noticed leftist groups don’t have blogs devoted to painstaking discussion of the personal lives of tea partiers and neo-cons? Because really, who gives a shit. Your extreme obsession with them is free press in addition to revealing more about your empty selves than anything.

But carry on. Continue to discuss Matthis’s eyes and Bobby’s clothing. Bowing out.

Adirondack Patriot

That was a protest? Hell, I’ve seen more effective protests at Dunkin’ Donuts when they run out of Boston Creme donuts.


Adirondack Patriot

Hey, zzzz.

When tea partiers and neo-cons start burning flags, I’ll smack them down too. Until then, Chiroux and the anti-American slugs he cavorts with are on my scope and I wil continue to track.


Old Tanker

the military fears the press this action and future ones like it will bring

You haven’t been paying any attention, have you? Now that Obama is President the press wouldn’t pay you the time of day…hell She-hag can’t even get no camera love anymore. I suggest you vote for a Republican so your “movement” will get more tracktion. You honestly believe the military “fears” this crap? puhleeze…


Sleepy–we’ll discuss Matthis’ drug use and admission of rape as well, until he gets the cavity search from Officer Bananafingers. Free country–ain’t it wonderful?

We discuss these assclowns because it runs contrary to what freedom and liberty are all about. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and apparently, neither does their stupidity and overinflated sense of worth.

Old Tanker



Actually, point of clarification: not because “it” runs contrary, but THEY run contrary.

Hope that didn’t confuse you too much, narcoleptic boy.


“Continue to discuss Matthis’s eyes and Bobby’s clothing. Bowing out.”

Gladly. I’ll also continue to discuss the vapid rhetoric which is the foundation of their movement. Really, what else do they have? A three-digit facebook following? How many times are we going to hear the handful of whackos TALK about “radical revolution” without ever telling anyone what that means. Yeah, yeah, I know “direct action” and all that bullshit; Bobby knows all the right words to get his squad of mental midget minions whipped into a fervor and make them think they have actually changed anything. Please tell me what’s different now, post-protest. Matthis and Bobby stroked their egos per their usual MO and told soldiers they were going to “die like shit.” All the tact and mental capacity of Westboro Baptist disciples.

And Cindy Thomas IS fat. Fact. And she’s a bitch for the same reasons that Matthis and Bobby are bitches.

Old Trooper

Sleepy in Seattle: Yeah, you might want to mention how hateful Bobby, Matthis, et al are as well. It seems you’re stuck in the projection loop. you know, calling the other side what you actually are.

Casey J Porter

You guys need to lay off. Did you not hear what Pirate Bobby said in the beginning of that video?

“Ready to start the fucking revolution, yo.”

Live in fear war mongers!

My biggest complaint is that they are as mono-directional and closed minded as many of their opponents.

Casey J Porter

Also, if you are shooting in low light light and you are not using good, high-end HD gear, please go buy a cheap LED light to put on your camera. Then go to YouTube and type in “Free ways to steady a camera” because that really is for shit video.

The simple fact that you guys won’t even put in the minimum effort to make a video shows you really don’t care about what you are putting out there. It’s not for your audience, it’s for you and your buddies. That is demonstrated in the fact that you conducted piss-poor interviews and still didn’t get your facts right about who was deployed where. That kills your credibility as movie maker.

Southern Class

And I just stop by to read the funnies, chuckle a bit, and leave a word now and then. Well rounded news always has some entertainment included in its content. Here, posts on Idiotic Vermin And Wankers, is our comics.
Keep it coming Jonn, we like to see how the other side lives.
And zzzzzzzzzz, I can see that this is your favorite alphabet letter. When you hear daddy and mommy zzzzzzzzzzzzzing, you know that you can sneak down to their computer and try to write like the big guys.


I’m curious what the enlightened minds here think about the 1 million + dead Iraqis since the invasion. Justified? Irrelevant? I mean you’re obviously racist war-mongers but if there is a beating heart somewhere underneath the decades’ of hatred I wonder if it beats any for them.

SPORKMASTER: I would like know how you act like you have a better idea of what went on in Iraq then those that have been there. Or the reasons for each of us for going personally to Iraq.


And Casey, you’re a delusional megalomaniac who was anti-war when you thought it could help your “film” career and switched gears when your weird ass got rightfully ostracized. Absolutely no one respects you including the old reactionaries that stink up this joint.

Casey J Porter

I know what stat Chase is referring to but the name of the study escapes me right now. But Chase, I have hit on this subject before with my films. Specifically, “Deconstructed”. There are two versions of this film online. The first one I quoted Iraq Body Count’s numbers at the time. I found out those where incorrect. Once I returned home I re-mastered and in some cases put deleted scenes into my films for High-Def viewing. One thing I changed in “Deconstructed” was that statistic. I was home so I could do better research and the study that a lot of activists hook on to was the one that goes well into the millions.

In my research there was a lot of conflicting info on their findings and that think-tank at the time refused to release all of their findings that they based their conclusion on. So I decided not to go with and instead put the New England Journal of Medicine’s numbers that where more solid.

Who’s to say for sure who is right. But I can tell you that the anti-war community hooks on to “facts” that they want to hear. Which is no different than those on the other side that believe what Fox News puts out as “facts”. Both sides are equally closed minded.

Here is a link to the updated version of Deconstructed:

Casey J Porter

Ouch! I posted my reply before that last comment. Well, these films have not helped my film career and I have not made a single penny off of them. I’m still against the war in Iraq, and yes, I even get blasted here sometimes for it. But I’m a big boy with thick skin. I was just attempting to give you an honest answer. If I did not stand behind my films I would have taken them down. Also, after leaving IVAW I would not have released Fire Mission, my last deployment film if it was just to pump myself up.


“I’m curious what the enlightened minds here think about the 1 million + dead Iraqis since the invasion. Justified? Irrelevant?”

1 Million? Really? Based on what? And would you break that down for me into the number of innocent Iraqi dead who are dead specifically because we involved ourselves there?
Please remember to subtract the number of people who could have been expected to die as a part of both the continued intentional starvation of southern ethnic populations by the toppled regime as well as the constant fighting between the separate religious interests. If you can do that intelligently I can intelligently answer your question.

“I mean you’re obviously racist war-mongers”
Really? Based on what? Specifics please, not histrionics.

As for respecting Casey, I’ve never met him, but I do respect his stance on things, and that he usually backs his rants with verifiable information. And at age 42, I hardly think I qualify as an ‘old’ reactionary. Hell, I retired from the service at age 38, lol.

Frankly Chase, while I hear a lot of anger, sarcasm, and frustration from the usual cast of characters here, I don’t hear hate. The only hate I hear around here at the moment is coming from you.


Chase, You want to talk about hatred. What about the people killed during 20 years of the Saddam Regime? Darfur? Cambodia? or any other areas where no action was taken that resulted in millions of deaths? No one mentions the usefulness of an Army to stop these types of incidents from occurring. Haiti? Indonesia? Pakistan? Nope don’t hear anything. Or do you want personal experiences? Let’s talk about Afghanistan, a society that has such disrespect for women that I give a 7 year old girl a chem. light and watch a 14 year old boy push her down and take it. Building schools and watching Al Queda blow it up within a week. How about Iraq where I carried a dead coworker (Iraqi LT) that was shot in the head with a pistol by a family because he is talking to their daughter on the phone? The Army is used to institute policy and war is policy that results in death and this is unfortunate. However, we as a military participate because we obey the orders of those appointed over us to implement policy. It is perfectly acceptable to have issues and questions regarding policy and you can change policy through your numerous civic rights. However, blame should not be with the military because we are just a tool of policy. We are not heartless war mongers that enjoy this. Having experienced these “horrors” firsthand I would prefer that they are avoided at all cost. Conversely, these experiences allowed me to appreciate the US and remain willing to fight for it. Do not stereotype Soldiers as bloodthirsty monsters because that is the farthest thing from the truth. They have experienced the harshness of life outside the suburbs and are willing to defend against it. Similarly this is why the UTH idiots are openly mocked. They do not have the experience, have often shirked their responsibilities yet they soil the military through lies and seek change through active resistance within the ranks. They don’t even know what they are asking for. Do you really want a military that decides what orders… Read more »

Southern Class

Chase, I have a pre-teen grandson who carries the same name, (poor little shit), but knows much more about reality than you do. I regularly associate with RANGER Families, and one of my favorite pastimes is to engage kids in adult topic conversation, (not adult as in XXX). They can relate correct numbers, can discuss the downside of sympathizing with muslims, and have no use for Left Coast people who hate the military. Were I to need a partner to offer up facts on the topics discussed at this blog, I would prefer that pre-teen grandson to you dumb ass.


Loo-sers! (The chick with pink hair is kinda cute, though.)


What a collection of derelicts. The only chant missing from their retarded repertoire was “troof ta powa”.

They have all the requisite signs like “do I look illegal?”, the rainbow, and the Keffiyehs are a cute touch. One of these days they’re going to look around at their living quarters in mommy’s basement…the beat up couch, the cable spool that doubles as a coffee table, and the Che posters and wonder why the fuck they wasted their lives.

Their failure as human beings should serve as a lesson to others.

Old Tanker

1 million + dead Iraqis since the invasion.

damn, and I gave Joe the run around for throwing out “hundreds of thousands”

B Woodman

I was in for 20, and every day I fervently prayed for peace. I would have been the happiest soldier alive had world-wide peace broken out, and had the Army retired me early out of my job because it and I were no longer needed in the positions I was in.

Nevertheless, I did my job, and did it well enough to retire at 20 as a SSG. Why? Because I loved my country enough to want to put myself in a position to defend her when & if it became necessary.

That said — even though I’m now retired, if you & yours come after me & mine, there WILL be blood in the streets. And I’ll do my damnest to make sure it’s YOUR blood, not mine. After that, I will go back to being a quiet peaceful neighbor, church-goer, husband, father and g’father.

A racist war-monger? I don’t think so. And that term equally does not apply to any of the hundreds and thousands of troops I served alongside as well.

Thank you, one and all, for allowing me to speak my piece.

B Woodman

As for the video (first 15 sec):

“Ya gotta die, ya gotta die . . ”
“Start the f’kn’ revolution.”

You first.

Southern Class

Thank you for your service, B Woodman. And the same to all the rest of us who “Did the Right Thing” and served our country. In that regard there is no difference in those who saw combat and those of us who did not. That I did not see combat was only because I was untrained on how to start a war.
How many different ways can “they” come up with as to how Volunteer is not actually Volunteer?
I ask again, what is the plural of Doofus? Be it Doofii?

Casey J Porter

Will Chase be back? Wait and see on the next episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS!


Yeah, we’re all racist warmongers. So Chase, how many Iraqi civilians have you risked your life to provide medical treatment for or escort to safety?