The “Ground Zero Mosque” protest

| August 23, 2010

Our buddy, DanNy at Gathering of Eagles NY has some pictures and videos of the protest at the so-called Ground Zero Mosque that you need to see. Not the least of which is this union carpenter whose sign reads “As an out of work Union Carpenter, I’d rather starve than earn a bloody check from this job”

Category: Gathering of Eagles, Protests/Rallies

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God Bless him! At least one person in NY with a spark of self respect.


Too bad she didn’t even make it to the semi-finals of the Miss Universe!


(1) I have a problem with people who don’t know the front end of their cap or hardhat from the back. As far as the hardhat goes, the bill is to prevent small falling objects from catching the nose. It has happened.

(2) Take a closer look at the sign. It says, “As an out of work union ?????? to rather starve than for ? ? bloody check from this job. The guy is an illegal and can’t write English.

(3) The key word here is WORK. He doesn’t want to WORK for his check.


#3 When I wrote my earlier comment I forgot the story was telling about the ground zero mosque. Please mentally delete #3 in my comment.