Right Wing News: Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Greatest Figures In American History

| August 19, 2010

In the slowly-clearing dust of his last poll, John Hawkins of Right Wing News publishes his latest poll; Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Greatest Figures In American History. COB6 and Operator Dan combined mental forces to represent TAH in the poll. Their choices were;

George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
Eli Whitney
John D. Rockefeller
Abraham Lincoln
John Browning
Robert H. Goddard
Henry Ford
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Douglas MacArthur
Babe Ruth
George C. Marshall
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ronald Reagan
Bill Gates
Chesty Puller
Barry Goldwater
John Boyd
George Patton
Booker T. Washington

COB6 put special emphasis on John Browning, “a brilliant and extremely lethal man”.

Now, we’ll just sit and wait for Allahpundit and Rick Moran to tell us how stupid we are and how we should have included some obscure figure they pulled out of Wikipedia.

TSO adds:

This was my list, which should make it easier on AP and RM.  Jonn never lets me get involved in these things.

Captain Mal Reynolds
Mosiula Faasuka Tatupu
Li’l Jimmie Norton (NSFW)
Dennis Miller
The dude who writes The Superficial (Probably NSFW)
Ron Jeremy
The Horse that beat down Nick Morgan
The bartender who made the Ketel One Bloody Mary’s for Rhandy Rhodes before she fought the pavement (and lost)
Greased up Deaf Guy
Shawn Spencer
Michael Morhaime
Kevin “Greek God of Walks” Youkilis
JR Salzman
Dale Peterson (farmer, businessman, cop and a marine during Viet Nam, so listen up)
David Bellavia
Whatever dolphin it was that scared the shit out of Tyra “Fatty Pig Fatty” Banks
El Presidente
Miss Teen SC, Caitlyn Upton

And any veteran.

I forgot to add Adrianne Curry as well. She plays WoW in the nude, and dresses like Princess Leia. Superbowl6Romeo is protesting this one as he does the same thing, but I’m still adding her.

Category: Bloggers

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Nobady ever puts Sam Walton. But think about it.


Norman Borlaug. Once you save a billion lives, you make the list.


I think Norman Borlaug should have been higher on the list. I think that Edison should be replaced by Tesla (if he ever became a citizen). It is hard to compare the top twenty-five…


No Teddy Roosevelt?!

“A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled, and less than that no man shall have.”
Speech to veterans, Springfield, IL, July 4, 1903

“Don’t hit at all if you can help it; don’t hit a man if you can possibly avoid it; but if you do hit him, put him to sleep.”
New York City, February 17, 1899


Good selection with John Browing…

“Peace, through superior fire power”


And please, someone vote to remove Lincoln from the list!!

Operator Dan

Lol, Jacobite was your 16th President Jefferson Davis?

Just kidding.


What I find so sad about this list…I’m pretty sure that you could display it on any college campus, ivy leagues included, and the majority of the kids wouldn’t know but maybe 4-5 of those individuals. Not to mention be able to debate their virtues or give additional names they feel should have made the list. Shameful.

Old Tanker

Glad John Adams made the final list, if you haven’t read his biography you might put it on your reading list, a remarkable man…and glad to see Audie Murphy but I might put Alvin York ahead of him…

AW1 Tim

As one of “Mosi’s Mooses”, I wholly support his inclusion on TSO’s list.


TSO: Bellavia and Jeremy on the same list? Bells must be grinning from ear-to-ear!


Bells & JR Salzman would actually be on my list.


Jonn my pal: Your #13 is called TMI by the younger folks, I think.

Still it does beg the question… Is it not true that TSO will be wearing a pink teddy under his tux, and did he not insist that his male guests wear something similar so he’d feel ‘safe’. I have to dig out my invite, there was a card in it that said something like that, or maybe my memory is flawed.

Adirondack Patriot

No Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton belongs on that list rather than Jefferson. Jefferson was a self-absorbed momma’s boy who opposed a federal military, allowed the British to overrun Richmond unopposed when he was Governor of Virginia, was a French cultist, and thought we should live like agrarian hippies.

Hamilton served as a colonel in the Army under Washington (see the taking of Redoubt 9 & 10 at Yorktown), was the first Treasury Secretary and the architect of the U.S. economy, was Inspector General of the U.S. Army, authored the best parts of the Federalist papers, and founded the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, forerunner of the U.S. Coast Guard.

In short:
Jefferson = limp-wristed pussy.
Hamilton = American hero.

Sgt K

Ever heard of Ted Williams? Baseball icon, world-class fisherman, and Marine Corps fighter pilot. He lived the life John Wayne pretended to.


Where are the guys who made Baconaise??? And Bacon Salt??? And you call this a LIST? Frickin’ communists…


I was going to ask if there were any females you thought qualified, and since I couldn’t think of one, particularly– I’m picking me.
I have ten kids.
Just sayin.

J.R. Salzman

Dude. I’m on this list?? I’m just a hardworking one-armed lumberjack. There are other people who are far more deserving than me. But thank you.