Cracks in Obama’s Base?

| July 5, 2008

Crack is probably an understatement; as I will attempt to demonstrate.

I get a lot of kooky emails. One of the latest accused me “and those of the same fascist ilk” of trolling on lefty sites and acting like liberals and blasting the Messiah. Obviously my “ilk” and I are deliberately undermining the greatest human being that ever lived by trolling lefty blogs and trying to sow the seeds of sedition in the second coming movement.

An example of this may be seen here:

Call him slippery or nuanced, Barack Obama’s core position on Iraq has always been more ambiguous than audacious. Now it is catching up with him as his latest remarks are questioned by the Republicans, the mainstream media, and the antiwar movement. He could put his candidacy at risk if his audacity continues to shrivel.
The most shocking aspect of Samantha Powers’ forced resignation earlier this year was not that she called Hillary Clinton a “monster” off-camera, but that she flatly stated that Obama would review his whole position on Iraq once becoming president. Again, no one in the media or rival campaigns questioned whether this assertion by Powers was true. Since Obama credited Powers with helping for months in writing his book, The Audacity of Hope, her comments on his inner thinking should have been pounced upon by the pundits.

That is truly a damning expose of Obama but I didn’t write it, neither did anyone else in my “bigoted ilk”.

This was written by Tom Hayden at the Huffington Post. For those of you lefties who don’t know much about socialist history, check this out.

It seems to me that there were basically two groups of folks that catapulted Obama from obscurity to presumptive democrat nominee. The true socialist that he is tossing as fast as he can and the mindless groupies who lack the intellectual capacity or honesty to see that he is nothing more than a hack politician.

Sometimes you get what you ask for.

Category: Politics

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