OFA uses Obama as Lenin and Hitler sign to raise money
Yeah, you’ve probably seen this billboard poster which was up for less than a week in Iowa;
Do any of us really belive that Obama is Hitler or Lenin? Probably not. So why stoop to the hyperbole of the left to make a point that is nonexistent? Anyway, it was a local group which paid for the billboard;
The firestorm over a Mason City billboard that compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin grew so tumultuous that one tea party activist slept with his windows open Tuesday night so he could listen for intruders.
“I had to make sure they didn’t bomb the house,” said Bob Johnson, a founder of the North Iowa Tea Party, which paid $600 for the advertisement, which first appeared a week ago.
The angry reaction to the billboard pressured the political group to take down the message three weeks early.
Yeah, so why do it?
But, anyway, Organizing for America took the opportunity to frighten the ignorant masses who get their news from OFA emails;
And a group in Iowa proudly unveiled a billboard featuring the President’s image next to Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin.
It all shows that we don’t have a moment to lose as we organize our communities to get out and vote, to fight back against these extremists — and why your time and energy is so crucial to the success of this movement
Jeremy Bird, the Deputy Director of Organizing for Americawho signed the email, forgot to add “BOOGA BOOGA!!!” to make the scare complete.
Just like none of us think Obama is Hitler nor Lenin, neither should anyone believe that some group of peawits in Northern Iowa is a danger to the country. Yes, Obama’s policies are dangerous for the future of this country, but making us look like a pitchfork mob doesn’t help us rescue the country from the Democrats.
Let’s cool the “Obama is Hitler” shit. Yeah, I know, the Left did it for eight years to Bush, but aren’t we a bit better than that? And “they did it first” isn’t an excuse many people accept once they graduate second grade.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
I know I’m afraid of any group large and powerful enough to afford an entire billboard in Iowa. Think of the children!
Jonn, the left did it for 8 years and were successful with it. Whether we stick to the high road, at this point, doesn’t mean shit. Nice guys get their ass kicked and using the excuse that “we’re better thant that” means we will continue to lose elections. Well, if we do that, we can at least say “we were better than that” as we lose, once again. Leave the “hearts and minds” campaigns to SF; we need Patton at this point.
Agree totally w/OldTrooper. Hit them. Hard. Again. And again. And again. And again.
Jonn, your attitude matches the Dems in AFG- play nice, they’ll go away. They’ll be our friends. Not in this case- they’ll NEVER cotton to our views- evah. That is how Progressivism has managed to get such a toehold in America.
We need to be as relentlessly anti-Progressive, and strongly so, as they aim to be Socialistic. Nothing less will do.
I thought the sign was very accurate. Do we play nice with someone who wants to cut our heads off?
**** no.
Jonn–don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the ENTIRE SAYING:
“When you have them by the balls and are kicking their asses, their hearts and minds will follow.” The majority of Americans think Obama IS in fact a socialist. Is calling him one somehow “racist”, or not taking the high road? Hell, no! Call him what he is, and if the left doesn’t like it, tough shit.
When did I say Obama isn’t a socialist?
Lenin wasn’t a socialist – he killed all of the socialists because they were moving too slowly towards communism and he was in a hurry. Then after he killed the socialists, he brought in the capitalists to save the Soviet Union and then killed them, too. Hitler killed the traditional socialists AND the communists.
I’m just saying that we don’t need the signs and they’re not helping. If you can show me how a stupid-ass sign has helped, I’ll retract what I said. All of the testosterony rhetoric about balls and minds aside.
It is kind of extreme. I wouldn’t have put up my money for a billboard like that.
Even so…the hyperbolic attacks of the left (Bush=Hitler) worked well. Very well.
“hyperbolic attacks of the left (Bush=Hitler) worked well.”
How do you figure? Most of the liberals I know think those comparisons were retarded. Just as most of the conservatives I know think comparing Obama to Hitler is retarded. The whole Nazi comparison is worn out and is the bastion of alarmist idiots. There’s a million good arguments to be made about the negative impacts of Obama’s policies, and some valid comparisons to be drawn to socialism. Billboards like this are the flipside of the “Obama is Our Savior” attitude which is equally as uninformed. So now this shitty $600 billboard has gotten national attention and is being hastily (and probably successfully) exploited as a fundraising tool by democrats:
Democrats live for this sort of reactionist lunacy, because it perpetuates the stereotype many of them hold of the right. This thing backfired in a big way.
Now, if you want to make the comparison again once Obama’s in his third term… then I’ll be a little more receptive. 😉
we’re better than that??? than what?…this is what I think about the billboard.
If adolf or vlad were still alive they would be pissed, being compared to this loser osamabama…
now if there was one (1) set of balls in the rePUBICan party then the billboard wouldn’t mean nuttin’…
I completely agree with you, John. The main reason I spent so much time during the Bush years documenting the bad behavior of the Left was not so that Conservative would emulate it, but as a warning of how not to behave.
Old Trooper,
“…we’re better thant that” means we will continue to lose elections”
Not true. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. During the Bush years the news media went out of their way to avoid reporting the offensive and extreme behavior of Left. Now that Democrats are in charge the same media will go out of their way to magnify any offensive behavior by conservatives.
Believe me, the left wants us to compare Obama to Hitler because they know that it helps their side. The last thing we should do is give them what they want.
Calling Obama a socialist is one thing, but calling him Hitler is just plain crazy….And it will drive voters away from our side.
Yes, but don’t forget that the only significant difference between Hitler and Lenin is that one was a “national socialist” and the other was pushing international socialism. Obama wants socialism for the masses, as long as he still gets his cut in the end.
The difference between Obama and Hitler is that Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people – six million of them in concetration camps.
That’s no small difference. If you’re looking for an historical analogy for Obama, try Clement Attlee.
Scott and Ringo: I am not talking about the signage, specifically, but the attitude in general. When will we learn that every stinking time the word “bi-partisan” comes up, it means that the progressives have just won concessions from conservatives. The “reach across the aisle” schtick has shown that every time the conservatives reach across the aisle, they get their hand slapped and like the dumbasses they are, they giggle, say that stung and continue to kowtow to what the progressives want. I have seen it time and again; i.e. the infamous “gang of 14” where the progressives bitch slapped McCain and the other so-called conservatives in the little “gang”, yet the media kept touting it as this great achievement. Then, every time the progressives would throw a hissy fit, the call went out for the vaunted “gang of 14” to come to the rescue, but the only rescuing that was going on was the agenda of the progressives. Does McCain-Feingold ring a bell? How about this latest “finance reform” crappola? If the prgressive agenda wasn’t working, then Bella Pelosi wouldn’t be the Speaker right now, Hairless Reid wouldn’t be Majority leader in the senate, and Bobo wouldn’t be golfing while wearing the Presidential Seal; would he? Reagan was effective not because he kowed to the left’s wishes; he succeeded because he convinced those on the left that he was right. When the media got in the way of his message; he bypassed the media and took his message to the American people. He didn’t walk into a meeting with the dems, who just happened to control both houses of congress, with his hat in hand and begging them to play nice; he went in there and said “here’s what the problem is, here’s my solution, and I’m going to convince you this is the best plan to get it accomplished”. Instead of trying to convince us that moving further towards the left is the way to win elections, we need to look beyond elections and start showing the American people that there are definite differences between the two parties.… Read more »
Agree with John on this point.
Old Trooper,
Now we agree. Every concession by the right is an unreciprocated step to the left. Bi-partisanship always works to the Democrats advantage.
“Reagan was effective not because he kowed to the left’s wishes; he succeeded because he convinced those on the left that he was right”
That’s what we need to do too, which is why signs like the one above are so unhelpful.
To win I thought we needed 50%+1 didn’t we? So explain to me how calling Obama “Hitler” etc brings one person to our side. How is it “hitting them hard” to basically make us look like idiots? When Code Pink was showing up at congressional hearings, did it Help them, or Help Us? Because I would argue it helped us.
TSO–it certainly didn’t hurt them, if 2006 and 2008 elections were any indication.
*Laughing* at TSO; #17.
A couple of years ago I was at one of those hearings (albeit for a different matter) and laughed my ass off as some of the Code Pinkers were “removed” from the room.
Thanks for reminding me of that… made my day remembering it.
The images on the sign could just as well have had Kim Jong Il, Mao, and Stalin. What everyone seems to missing is what the sign says, which is about radical leaders. Now, call me crazy, but isn’t Lenin considered a “radical”? Of course Hitler was, as well. From the argument I see against what I’ve said, everyone is looking at the image and nothing else. The images are examples, people, and, yes, comparisons to each other, but not in the context that Obama=Hitler, but that both are radical in their ideology concerning the way they want to govern. In case no one noticed, and by reading all the immediate comparisons to Hitler I say no one has, Lenin is on the sign, as well.
I’ve been under the assumption that there are a lot of thinking individuals here, so I guess I am kinda perplexed that no one else is seeing it for what it is, a sign designed to draw people into to thinking of exactly what kind of “leader” we have here.
Just a reminder…..I have been reading that one of the things in the healthcare bill is going to require us all to have obesity tests and have that in our electronic medical records. See you all at the fat farm (re-education camps) Komrades.
OT, since the problem with the medical bill has always been access, how exactly are they going to facilitate bringing folks in with no medical issues to do weight tests?
And ok, fine, the sign is accurate. Now, from there it does what? Does it incite more right leaning people to do something? Or does it make people in the middle less likely to want to be a associated with those who would put up a bill board with Hitler on it?
NH Sparky: Since those elections were a repudiation of Bush and the War in Iraq, how is it one can tell that Code Pink didn’t hurt? For my part, I would like to argue that the only thing that kept it from being worse was the moderates who said I don’t want to be associated with those retards.
TSO: Here’s the link for the obesity rating story http://cnsnews.com/news/article/69436
What the sign does from there is up to the individual. They can be immediately repulsed in a knee jerk fashion just by seeing Hitler on there, or they can see Lenin and Obama on there as well. We need to open our focus a little more and move past the only thing that people here are up in arms about; Hitler on the sign. The Hitler schtick is getting as old as the racism cries from the left. No one looks at what Hitler did, other than the Holocaust. No one looks at how he started, how he came to power, and what he did with the power, other than that one thing. Yes, it was one very big thing, however, he wasn’t able to facilitate it without having the type of power he did. Could Stalin have been used, instead of Hitler? Yeah, since he killed more people than Hitler did, but since he was on the winning side of the war, no one really looks at him with the same reflexive hatred as they have for Hitler.
TSO: “Since those elections were a repudiation of Bush and the War in Iraq”
Do you really believe that? I don’t.
TSO–point taken. And yes, Jacobite. Bush fatigue and Iraq pushed out a lot of the liberal vote in 2006, and the fact that conservatives stayed home in droves in both those elections didn’t exactly help either. Code Pink, et al. had an unknown influence. Now had the MSM done their job and reported all the shit they and their ilk had pulled, it certainly would have hurt them, much like the MSM is trying to paint the tea party folks in a bad light with false allegations of racism. But yes, I will agree with the point that Obama=Hitler isn’t helping matters. However, Obama=socialist is only stating what most people already know, and is fair game.
I agree with Old Trooper. (#22)
“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…” Isn’t that how the song goes? The folks who put the sign up used an old signage ploy: they posted a picture that everyone is familiar with: Hitler. It elicited a known response: EVERYONE LOOKS AT THE SIGN. Does the sign make you think about what you’re seeing?
People who think, will think about the sign. People who react without thinking, will react without thinking about the sign. The sign will elicit a habitual response, but it won’t change the response.
Having said all that…I’m not a big fan of billboards.
From my point of view, a simple sign of O as the Joker would work just as well, with the words “Hope and Change” or, my favorite, from Toby Keith, “How do you like me now?”
“Bush fatigue and Iraq pushed out a lot of the liberal vote in 2006”
Based on what? And if it’s based on polls, polls by who? I ask because that’s not entirely the sense that I have of what happened.
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
-Adolph Hitler (1927)
Nope, doesn’t sound like Obama and the rest of the Dem autocrats, at all…..
I do soooooo love it when current leaders get raked across the chops with historical leaders.
Thanks, GI JANE!
That sign is ridiculous and just a symptom of the “fear/shock monger” non intelligent state of mind of so many Americans.
Check this :Did artist Sheperd Fairy get the idea for his iconic OBAMA image from an image of V. Lenin from the British film “Don’t Look Back”, 1973? It is a Warhol influenced graphic but the image of Lenins head on the entire side of a building about 1/3 way through the film bares a striking resemblance. Co-incidence?