Megyn Kelly wears out NY Post columnist

| July 13, 2010

Megyn Kelley tells Kirsten Powers, New York Post columnist, that she’s ignorant about the New Black Panther voting rights case as Powers dances around the actual subject of the discussion, that being Democrat Congressman Brad Sherman claim that he’s “not aware of that case”.

I only wish they’d been in the same studio and there was a wading pool full of jello which just happened to be near by.

Category: Congress sucks, Media

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Wears out? I’d say she beat Powers like a rented mule. And of course, what liberal hack can’t wipe their ass without blaming Bush for not having Skittles to shit instead…


Were you expecting anything different from the NYPost or someone in congress?


You should be smacked with that jello, Jonn. 🙂

That said, I have a huge girl-crush on Megyn Kelly. She’s an intellectual badass.

Old Tanker

Where were you with Bush… where were you with Bush…

Kirsten…where are you NOW!!! Talk about getting a mudhole stomped in your ass and having it walked dry…


The difference was the fact that Megan had the facts, where Kristen did not. Typical Left-wing rebuttal: BUSH BUSH BUSH!

amazing stuff here

First, Kirsten Powers is far from being a liberal. She works primarly for the Fox News Channel and sometimes writes an editorial for both the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal (Murdock paper). Ms. Powers is despised by liberals and the left for being a weak Democrat. She is the female version of Alan Colmes. She’s Murdock’s token Democrat.

Second, Megyn Kelly looks like hot version of Ann Coulter. But still has that manly voice of Ms. Coulter. Megyn Kelly like Ms. Coulter needs to hit the buffet once in awhile, or maybe stop snorting lines.


I am wondering about bush myself.


That *girl* was rode hard and put away wet. Good. I fucking despise that Bush Meme more than anything on the planet. When Clinton was in office, don’t recall so much as a peep about everything being that Bush’s fault. Nor when Nixon or Carter were in office. But this shit is getting ridiculous.
Had the girl had the facts, then there would not have been an issue.

It turns out for whomever is interested, that the civil rights cases dropped because investigators were steered into counter terrorism stuff. It has been on the decline since 1999.

And, goddamn it, that voter intimidation was done by a nationally recognized group known for violence, crackpot liberation theology and therefore fell under federal jurisdiction of the law. It mattered. Unlike many of the cases that should have been prosecuted at the state level.

Kirsten is another tool for the left.


ash–nice to see that in true liberal fashion, you can’t address a single point that Megyn Kelly made…just make it about Bush, Fox News, DINO’s, etc.

Gawd you can be such a tool. For the record, how many cases of voter intimidation WITH VIDEO EVIDENCE were thrown out by the Bush administration? Last time I checked, it was a whole number, but not an integer. I can claim some old granny threatened to take away my milk and cookies if I don’t vote Democrat, but with nothing to back it up, guess what ANY responsible organization is going to do? Yup–throw it out. During the Bush administration, we had moonbats galore going to the feds trying to claim voter intimidation/disenfranchisement where none existed, and those cases were rightly dismissed. There are plenty of others which were not (one case in Orange County, CA a couple of years back comes to mind.) Bottom line, ash–Kirsten Powers figured she could just spew her talking points and have them accepted as gospel like they would be on any other network. Oh, how horrible it is when you get caught talking bullshit, eh?

amazing stuff here

Oh Jonn, I wasn’t defending Powers at all, I was just explaining how Powers is far from being a liberal or even a democrat like some of your clones tried to label her. No Democrat takes her seriously because she is owned by the Murdock Corporation. You used a bad example of a Democrat. Oh and Sorry, I like real women. Women who aren’t so manly. “Unsubstantiated accusation”, I thought that was allowed here? (Pogany)

Spanky, I can care less about this issue.


Yet you see fit to comment on it. Some apathy you’re showing there, ash. So lemme get this straight–if someone appears on FNC, they’re not liberal or a Democrat, is that your take?

Would you say that Susan Estrich isn’t libera/Dem? Or Bob Beckel? Former Congressman Harold Ford? Or Lanny Davis? Pat Caddell? Juan Williams? Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich also regularly appear on FNC, IIRC.

Or were you getting your talking points from HERE?

Kirsten Powers (pictured at left)

Theres Ann Coulter making her presence known again.

Now, Kirsten Powers is a supposed liberal but she is against equal rights for women and opposes the stem cell research which could save millions of lives. Also, she always sinks short and kisses up to Bill O’Reilly whenever she has the chance.

Seriously, ash–stop talking, and we won’t have to hand you your ass…or is that your head. So difficult to tell with one stuck up the other.


That would be “I couldn’t care less,” ashole.

Lack of intellect is apparently a liberal attribute.

amazing stuff here

Oh Spanky you’re too funny. I wasn’t talking about any other figure on FNC, just Powers. Stop trying so hard. But yes, they are all lapdogs for that network. Even Kucinich is weak when put up against the conservative broadcaster (Hannity or O’Reilly) and another conservative guest (Rove). That’s how it’s done on Cable Television usually. Except in Ms. Power’s case all Fox had to do was put up one person against her (she’s that weak). I didn’t say if someone is on FNC that their not a liberal or a Democrat, I said they are weak and can’t challenge…if they do challenge then chances are they’ll get their mic turned off.

ROS…guess that christian homeschooling I got when I was young didn’t pay off.


Oh FFS, ash. Even you can’t be so deluded as to believe what you just wrote. They’re liberal until they appear on FNC, and then they’re not liberal anymore? Seriously? And if a person can’t “debate” one-on-one then they’re not liberal? Seems to me liberals can’t debate unless it’s at least 3-1 or 4-1 in their favor, and even then they go to the shouting as a debate tactic–if you drown someone out like a vuvuzela, that means you win? Hardly.

Then again, how many conservative guests have appeared in the HISTORY of Olbermann or Maddow’s shows?


“guess that christian homeschooling I got when I was young didn’t pay off.”

Well ma’am, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. 😉

amazing stuff here

Spanky, you’re exactly right. But then again I was talking about the liberal (MSNBC) network.

And I didn’t say they were liberal before they even came on the FNC, I was speaking about their strength as a “liberal”. FNC only has weak lefties on their network so they can’t challenge their conservative counterpart. Alan Colmes, Kirsten Powers and Bob Beckett are weak liberals. Manny Davis agrees with Hannity on almost every point Hannity brings up rather than challenge him that’s why Hannity has him on his show. Harold Ford runs the moderate Democratic Leadership Council which has numerous weak Democrats. Any strong liberal that comes on their network and gets their mic shut off or they are put up against two or more conservatives plus the conservative commentator. Spanky, please provide one example from the FNC when the liberals outnumbered the conservatives. Just one, you can do it!


It’s so funny watching you tie yourself into knots, ash. DLC “moderate”?

Stop. Hurt. Sides. Laughing.

Oh, and it’s LANNY Davis, not Manny. Know your liberals, m’boy.

Outnumbered? I know there are plenty of example where liberals EQUAL the number of conservatives, such as on Chris Wallace’s show, plenty of times on even O’Reilly, and yes, even Cavuto or Special Report. Since when should either side dominate the conversation–oh wait–when one side is full of shit.

At least they TRY to present different points of view, ash. But go ahead and tell me it’s the same. Just try.


Amazing asshat!!

I laughed so hard at

“And I didn’t say they were liberal before they even came on the FNC, I was speaking about their strength as a “liberal”. FNC only has weak lefties on their network so they can’t challenge their conservative counterpart. Alan Colmes, Kirsten Powers and Bob Beckett are weak liberals.”

That I nearly wet my pants.

Just such typical behavior of liberal minded ignorance. You follow every god damned word those people say, until they go on a network you hate and then they become “weak”! Well, do tell AA, whom do you consider to be reputable as a democrat?

Wait, let me run to the store and get a pack of Depends. Nah, I am sure I have a pull-up I can use from one of my kids…Oh the willful blindness of the mice who follow the Pied Piper.

amazing stuff here

You people are way too funny. You know the same thing happens on all the other cable news shows. Matthews brings on a weak Republican like Todd Harris (GOP Strategist) or Ed Schultz has on Michael Smerconish (Conservative Talk Radio Host).

This is done all the time, Powers is put up against someone from the Weekly Standard and the conservative FNC reporter, while on MSNBC, Todd Harris must compete against the liberal commentator and someone from the Nation magazine.

But you keep thinging FNC is sooo Fair and Balanced. Their as Fair and Balanced as all the Cable news networks.


Smerconish is conservative? On what fucking planet? That fuckstain voted for OBAMA!!!

amazing stuff here

Thank You Spanky. That’s my point, weak conservatives.


Once again, ash ties himself in knots. Amazing. You’ve been blathering on about weak LIBERALS and then you do a complete 180?

And nice to see you’re going in for the last word bit yet again. C’mon, take it again. You know you want to. You can’t help it. It’s in every little OCD bone of your body. You’re just jonesing right now, your finger tracing across the screen and your lips moving as you read this, aren’t you?

You want it, you know it…come on, big boy. ROFL.

Old Tanker


I’m waiting to see ASH put up a post that says….
