SLDN: Don’t touch that, you don’t know where it’s been

| July 8, 2010

The rocket scientists at the Servicemember’s Legal Defense Network is advising gay and lesbian servicemembers NOT to fill out the questionnaire that the Department of Defense has commissioned to determine how to handle the repeal of the so-called Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Their reason? They suspect it’s a trick to bust gay and lesbian servicemembers.

[Cynthia Smith, a Pentagon spokeswoman] noted that the survey doesn’t ask whether a respondent is gay. It asks questions about their overall experience in the military, their experience in serving with people they believed were gay and their attitudes about how a change in the law might affect recruiting, privacy, unit cohesion and so on.

Officials stressed that the survey is not a referendum on the question of repeal but rather aimed at getting opinions and helping developing a plan for implementing any repeal.

Isn’t that what the Sunnis did in the first Iraqi election? And then they complained that because they didn’t have a voice in the election the whole government was skewed against them?

Well here’s something for gays and lesbians n the military to chew on – if you don’t fill out the questionnaire, everyone is going to know you’re gay. So there, let the SLDN sort that shit out. Dumbasses.

Category: Military issues

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the last two lines are actually really funny. good point. reverse outing maybe?


Jen you commented here, so you must be straight.

See, this tangled web is confusing me.

Wait, if I wrote that to you….then that means….oh my god….Judy Garland…

AW1 Tim

This entire thing with DADT has NEVER been about gays serving in the military. It has been, is now, and will be about driving an agenda to push the acceptance of homosexuality as “normal” and give an acquired lifestyle a special set of privileges and “rights”.

Adirondack Patriot

Maybe SLDN is afraid that the survey will be used to show a very low number of gays in the military and that gay rights advocates have been artificially inflating the number of gays serving in the U.S. military.


TSO I hope you have a nightmare, where every answer to your bar exam reads “Judy Garland”. Go study!

Tim; be afraid, be very afraid of normal gays! it’s funny you say that bcause “radical” gay activists are against lifting DADT/DOMA because they don’t want to be part of those institutions. are you listening to Judy Garland too…..? Maybe you just haven’t met the right man to get you to choose to be gay.


Well, my position on DADT is well known, since I signed the pledge thing, however, I must say I in part agree with Tim. It’s not the 99% of gays I worry about, it’s the small percent that shows up in gay pride festivals having sex in front of kids wearing a kaiser helmet and dragging his lover behind him in dog chains. Now, will they join the military? No, of course not. But the activists have shown they need not be in the military to have an impact.

(And before you go doubting my scenario, go look up the past several years of Fulsom Street Festival pictures at Zombie’s place.)


AP, I also suspect that is part as well. I’ve always suggested the numbers were lower than advertised. It was like when that Homeless advocate Mitch something said a homeless person died every 17 seconds or some other mathematically ridiculous thing.

AW1 Tim

Jen….. DADT proves that those gays who want to serve can and do, and often are exemplary folks. The problem with opening up isn’t the GAY types so much as all the baggage types that come along, especially the trannies and cross-dressers. HOW does the military deal with that part?

DADT works and works well. Congress simply has to remind folks that NO ONE has a RIGHT to serve in the military. their own legislation makes that perfectly clear.


Well, DADT or not, I am still in agreement with one of my female coworkers and many of the female students I talk to that John Cena is hot. Oh, and I’m watching the music video to “Alejandro”, by Lady Gaga as I type this.

I also think that Britney Spears circa “Oops I did it Again” is hot, largely due to an experience in Iraq many years ago.

That said, I am neither gay nor a pedophile (the twenty-something females are still my primary motivation during runs at LSU); just a guy able to accept an attractive person at face value.


transgendered people and cross dressers aren’t gay so they are not covered under DADT or it’s lifting. I would suspect it will be handled the same way it is right now since it has nothing to do with DADT. I also suspect gay people who want to have sex in front of kids wearing a kaiser helmet and dragging his lover behind him in dog chains will be handled the same way straight people who have sex in front of kids wearing a kaiser helmet and dragging his lover behind him in dog chains will be. And Fulsom isn’t a gay pride festival.

saying DADT works is pretty close to having and saying a ban of left handed people works. lets say all left handed people had to pretend to be right handed in order to serve. some people are uncomfortable with left handed people, especially in the shower. you can be left handed, just not openly or get caught. of course that ban works fine for right handed folks. and some right handed people are concerned left handed cross dressers will want to serve if people can be openly left handed. and some people claim everyone is right handed and no one is born left handed, it’s an aquired trait so it shouldn’t be allowed anyway. it’s actually a special right for left handed people to be treated the same as right handed people, to not be discriminated against for being left handed. and if you let left handed people serve, there will be left handed people who have sex in front of kids wearing a kaiser helmet and dragging his lover behind him in dog chains. nevermind that there are right handed people who have sex in front of kids wearing a kaiser helmet and dragging his lover behind him in dog chains.

AW1 Tim


Here’s the issue that no one wants to address: We are talking about accepting an individual based upon an abnormal lifestyle choice. No one is born a homosexual. There is no “gay” gene.

We are not talking about regulations or considerations based upon the color of someone’s skin, their gender, their country of origin or anything else beyond someone’s control. We are talking about what I consider to be un-natural and aberrant behavior. A lifestyle prone to a high incidence of disease.

This nation made a very real concession with DADT, and that’s as far as it should go. Military service is NOT a right, that message is clearly written into the law(s governing military service.



Jen- Do you have any pictures of straight folks having sex in front of kids, and/or standing naked on a public street at a festival?

Again, are you truly contending that at the same rates for gays and straits this occurs?


Here is our friend Brigadier General McManus standing with a naked dude in the middle of the street at Folsom. Ok, now you go.


Actually TSO, I could link you with PLENTY of examples of ‘straights’ engaging in public nudity and sex, just not from this computer. A simple suggestion might be to peruse Flickr with the safe settings turned off, choose search phrases relative to this topic and wait to see what pops up. Seriously.

And Tim, it might interest you to know that science has been very close to proving that homosexual tendencies are indeed genetic. It’s been a long time since I had the energy to delve into this topic of debate, but when last I did, the evidence was pretty strong and getting stronger. So strong in fact that it was creating a furor in the gay community because if it was conclusively proven, it could also likely be tested for invitro. It was beginning to be feared by some in the G/L community that extreme parents with foreknowledge of this possibility in their unborn child might elect to have the baby aborted. Sounds crazy as hell I know, but look at your own reaction to the lifestyle. I believe you used the words ‘un-natural’ and ‘aberrant’. Well where do you draw the line on sexual behavior? The Catholic Church, and a good many fundamentalist protestant churches as well, have called any sex other than that needed for procreation, and any position other than straight ‘missionary style’, ‘aberrant’. Do you agree with that, or does your personal moral system allow variances? And if it does, what moral authority do you look to to establish a norm that differs from the centuries old moral foundation of the afore mentioned institutions?

I do whole heartedly agree that homosexuality should not be a special, protected, political class. But I also wholeheartedly believe it’s absurd to limit, ridicule, or otherwise marginalize someone just because they’re attracted to their own gender.


“I could link you with PLENTY of examples of ’straights’ engaging in public nudity and sex”

Certainly, but note the caveat I had also in there, in front of children, and at a public festival parade etc. My point is you never see a parade of straight folks laciviously flaunting their straitness. Again, I support gays in the military, my fear is not with the military side, but what the activists will demand etc.

I find the activists on this issue to be counterproductive in zeal to the stated goals.


“My point is you never see a parade of straight folks laciviously flaunting their straitness.”

True enough. And I AM sympathetic to your concerns about the activist types that unfortunately fuel the debate. Unfortunately it is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease, more mainstream g/l organizations go unheard from because they’re to ‘boring’ to merit coverage that will grab potential headlines.

“URGENT!!! Mature Gay Couple on South Side Caught Holding Hands on Sofa While watching T.V., News At 11:00”
Just doesn’t sell news papers or air time. We, meaning all of us, are our own worst enemy. Sensationalism rules our lives.


TSO, can you provide the link to the photo you mentioned so I can compare?


It is above Jen.


Or, you can go here and see a ton of them:


I mean the child observing sex; can you link to or indicate where that photo is? I don’t see it anywhere.


No pictures to show Jen, but I’ve watched straight couples doing it in broad day light at the park in the city where I grew up, when I was a kid.
I’ve also witnessed gay couples having intercourse in public in two parks in San Diego while vacationing there with MY kids.
It happens. Does it happen to an extent where we need to be overly worried about it? I seriously doubt it.
As for it happening at an extreme G/L/TG/GQ parade? Well I’ve never been so I don’t know, and frankly anyone who would subject their kids to one of the more rique parades prolly aught to have their fitness as parents questioned.