Americans sentenced in Pakistan

| June 24, 2010

Those five “Americans from the DC area” who were picked up a few months back for plotting terror in Pakistan – they got ten years (with five more to be served concurrently). I’ll tell you, that ought to be a deterrent to our “homegrown terrorists” as much as drone air strikes. Ten years in a Pakistani prison makes time in Joe Arpaio’s county jail seem like a day at the fair. From Fox News/Associated Press;

Prosecutors said they presented evidence such as e-mail records and witness statements proving that the men were plotting terror attacks in Pakistan and conspired to wage war against nations allied with it, a reference to Afghanistan, where the men were alleged to have been traveling.

The judge handed down two prison terms for each man, one for 10 years and the other for five, which are to be served concurrently, a copy of the decision seen by The Associated Press said.

The trial was closed to journalists and observers and was heard by a single judge in a special anti-terrorism court. Police deployed extra patrols and barriers around the court in the Punjab province town of Sargodha before the verdict.

Yeah, those boys don’t look too happy.

In related news, Gary Faulkner, the guy who was picked up in Pakistan while he began his ersonal hunt for bin Laden is back in Colorado now and apparently he hasn’t lost any of his fire;

“This is not about me. What this is about is the American people and the world,” he said. “We can’t let people like this scare us. We don’t get scared by people like this, we scare them and that’s what this is about. We’re going to take care of business.”

I guess the Pakistanis don’t toss people in prison when those people aren’t plotting to kill innocent people.

Category: Terror War

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10 years in a Paki prison? By the time they get out, their farts will be like a whisper.

B Woodman

Concurrent sentences? Why not consecutive? (heh heh heh)


Hang ’em! Hang ’em high! They wish to conduct combat against US troops? Scratch that! Turn ’em loose on the battlefield (or training ground) and let them taste the sting of our troops!


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