The Taliban on McChrystal

| June 24, 2010

Newsweek has an article up that talks about what the Taliban thinks about the firing/resignation of McChrystal. Of course you have to factor into the discussion that the article is a combination of thoughts from a bunch of lunatic liars who thrive on falsehoods…and the Taliban;

“What we are seeing is the mindset of a U.S. general and other commanders who are getting mentally ready for failure, so they criticize and make jokes about the president.”

[a senior Afghan Taliban official and former cabinet minister in Mullah Mohammed Omar’s defunct government] points to Gen. David Petraeus’s fainting the other day during congressional testimony, the video of which is being featured on a Taliban Web site, and to the McChrystal flap as clear signs that the stress of the war is seriously affecting the U.S. command. “Generals are losing trust in colonels, colonels in majors, and the West is losing trust in [Afghan President Hamid] Karzai.”

Of course, a lot of that blather is just whistling past the graveyard, but those guys who strap on bomb vests absolutely believe it. This “Taliban official” (who might be the head goat herder for all we know) goes on to mention that, even though the Taliban has been inflicted with higher casualties, they’re convinced they can win the war. The only way to disabuse them of that notion is to take the gloves off and kill them where ever they hide.

The only way to beat the Taliban and al Qaeda is to kill them in huge quantities until it’s no longer advantaeous for them to exist and if they hide behind civilians, you have to make it costly for the civilians to put themselves in that type of situation.

Obviously, the politicians are running this war like they did in Vietnam, what with Clinton, Eikenberry, and Biden sticking their noses in where they don’t belong by influencing the Rules of Engagement. If Obama had even a tiny bit of political courage, he’d fire that Eikenberry dick for creating the environment that made McCrystal speak out the way he did. Obama should also put a leash on Joe Bite Me and keep his stupid ass out of policy in Afghanistan since Bite Me has been 100% wrong on American foreign policy during his entire political career. Just because he doesn’t seem to keep his mouth shut about anything, that doesn’t make him an expert.

Obama doesn’t have to convince America that we’re winning this war, he has to convince our enemies that they’re losing.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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