Logic Fail

| June 17, 2010

Logic Fail

Yea, found this on Face-book and could not resist commenting on it. So this post is a full reply to a response that I got back. This is insulting beyond words. I am not sure about the rest of those that went but I made sure that I helped the people there when I could. Also it does not take into account that there are many photos like the one below.

But we are the one’s without humanity because we are on guard due to the fact that the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda sending women, children and the infeasible to the slaughter as human bombs/shields?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Media, Military issues, Terror War, The Warrior Code

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Absurd, just absurd.
I love that pic of the AF guy. Says it all.


I must have spent $100 a month on this little kid who lived by Tango 24 at Bagram. Bought him shoes, blankets, comic books etc. Mokhtar was his name. Mom was not allowed to work, and the dad was blind. They lived on charity. Probably mine.

The most rewarding thing I ever did over there, BY FAR was this mission here:


Spork, I added a title, you can change it, but somehow it erased your title.

AW1 Tim

No, they will never get it because they have closed their minds to reality. They have a belief, a meme, that they must protect at all costs.

Consider it willful ignorance, or blindness. Whatever.

All I know is that the enemy use kids as weapons, and always have, because they know how well our own soldiers will treat them. They use our humanity as a weakness to exploit, not realizing that what they perceive as weakness, is a strength.

SSG Dirty Al

I can’t honestly comment on Iraq and Afganistan, but I do remember keeping some Bosnian kids feed and entertained (they liked looking at my TATS and Biker mags). I also bribed a Bosniac kid w/ a MRE to get him to give up a Handgrenade. He was pissed at some Serb kids and wanted to get even with them. No we’re just a bunch of thugs pushing our way around. Yeah right! Blow me libtards!

Southern Class

I would tell these lib assholes to “suck snot”, but that is a natural act for them.
If posters such as that are constitutionally protected “freedom of expression”, would not my response to it, such as slappin’ their dumbasses silly, also be constitutionally protected “freedom of expression”? Just sayin’.

FaST Surgeon

Maybe you should link this story, “Princess Salerno”, on the dirtbag’s facebook page.

There are thousands of untold stories of our soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors that put out their hearts to all these children.

FaST Surgeon


I fear you waste your time brother. There is no changing these folks minds. They have a belief firmly implanted and questioning that belief isn’t done. Good effort though.

Junior AG

A good number of the anti-war crowd truly believe that all Servicemembers who are engaged in ground combat in Afghanistsn or Iraq are SS-Ensatzgruppen mebers who either shoot, rape or rob every civilian they encounter…. They also tend to believe every last 3rd world nation is populated by unicorn riding,peace loving Na’avi who have rainbows shooting out of their arses… Some people deserve a Ghengis Khan horde in their living room to set them straight.

Junior AG

The irony bbout the “Their Children, Our Children” propaganda piece is that the Soldier, muzzle down, finger off trigger is doing any of the following:
1. Crowd control to keep locals away from a dangerous situation, such as EOD disarming a road side bomb.
2.Maintaing a line for a treatment station at a MEDCAP.
3.Security at a meeting between CA types and local political authorities.


Well Junior AG,

If you take a good hard look at Nazi propaganda from the 1930s, it sounds and looks eerily familiar to what comes out of the “anti-war” movement today.

That and the Far Left sure can’t seem to explain the rape of Berlin, a massive atrocity perpetrated by Communists.


Oh, they don’t HAVE to explain it, Fred, because it isn’t taught. Commies were pure as the driven snow back in the day, dontcha know. Same reason when I mention Katyn to them, they just kinda look at me like a dog who just heard a high-pitched noise.


For peaceniks to understand requires thought… um, we’re just outta luck there on convincing them of anything then.