Carl Webb gets butt-hurt
I wrote the other day that Carl Webb was looking forward to attending the IVAW convention in Austin since it’s in his home town. But, according to his Facebook entry, he’s been uninvited;
I see it but I don’t believe it. I’m sure I’ll find some pictures of Webb at the convention eventually. He can’t resist leaning in from the side of picture taking events. His buddy Bobby Whittenberg will get him in using Bobby’s psycho act or Doug Zachary will pitch a snit.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Ummmmm, Isn’t it Houston, as in Sam Houston, my relative? Calls himself a Texan, what a Poser!!!
I’m surprised he hasn’t copy and pasted something in the reply section by now about something totally unrelated. lol
If they have a Buffet maybe Carl will be dishwashing for them.
It’s like he can’t help but loose. hahaha