Israel misunderstands the flotilla

| June 1, 2010

That flotilla which Israel disrupted as they tried to bring humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, well, Israel just misunderstood the intentions of the activists. Islan Haklary Ve Hurriyetleri Vakfi , the organization which sponsored the flotilla, has close ties to Hezbollah, those fun-loving folks firing rockets of love and peace into Israel.

Further, the activists were welcoming the IDF on board the Mavi Marmara and playfully tossing them to the lower deck. The IDF soldiers simply overreacted.

Here are some of the party favors the IDF took from the revelers on the Mavi Marmara;

More at the IDF Spokesperson blogand the Weekly Standard.

Category: Terror War

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Old Tanker

c’mon….knives, grappling hooks, axe handles… I mean isn’t that what all of the humanitarians carry around these days??

Joseph Brown

Everybody with one eye and half sense knows that those weapons were for use in case the ship was attacked by Somali pirates.

No, really.

Jonn wrote: Fixed it.

B Woodman

And I understand (subject to independent verification) that there were more and even BIGGER party favors in the cargo holds.
That flotilla was ready to PARTY DOWN!!!


And the part where they took the sidearms from the commandos then shot them was just a friendly reminder on the importance of weapons security.


You mean our favorite girl Cynthia McKinney wasn’t on board? Dayum! She missed her chance to push her face in the media again. Egypt has taken this opportunity to open the border to Gaza, something they could do any day by the way. This was a tactical mistake by the Israeli’s. They over stepped and now have a political nightmare on their hands while leaving the blockade runners with a clear propaganda win.
Notice the Kaffiyeh at the bottom of the photo. It’s the accessory of choice for those in Ms. Pilosi’s district and other enlightened zones.


I guess the starving children were supposed to eat the dozen or so slingshots they found.


No, no, B22, the slingshots were so the kids in Gaza could shoot squirrels and other small game, for dinner.

Virtual Insanity

….because Gaza is so rife with squirrels. Just not the kind with fluffy tails. I think they’re called Wharf Squirrels.