White House finally admits Taliban involvement in Times Square

| May 9, 2010

We all awake on this Mothers’ Day to discover that the White House finally admits that there was some involvement by the Taliban in the Times Square bombing. From Fox News;

Despite conflicting claims over the past week from military and law enforcement officials, as well as Taliban leaders, Attorney General Eric Holder and White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan said that authorities now believe suspect Faisal Shahzad acted at the direction of the Taliban in Pakistan and was probably funded by them.

Brennan told “Fox News Sunday” that Shahzad had “extensive interaction” with the group, which he described as virtually “indistinguishable” from Al Qaeda. He said investigators believe the suspect was trained by the militant network.

The reason that it took so long, is because the administration floated different theories and gauged public opinion on each statement. It took them a week to announce what the whole rest of the world knew from publicly available evidence.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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[where is the pound my head into a brick wall smilie?]


Gee, I am so shocked – since Hussein Obongo, the DOJ, DOD, the Fort Hood Inquiry Commission and the Joint Chiefs all concluded that he was a Methodist Tea Party Second Amendment protester who acted as part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!


I’m waiting for ash to play seagull and tell us all we’re evil Rethuglicans for daring to question General Petraeus’ earlier claim that the guy was a loner.