This is not helping

| April 20, 2010

Several supposedly gay servicemembers chained themselves to the fence in front of the White House today. This is what your new post-DADT military looks like.
These are not servicemembers – they’re activists. I wouldn’t tolerate this from the anti-war folks, why should we be treated to this spectacle of non-military bearing every month. By the way these peckerwoods, from your left to right are; Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, Lt. Dan Choi, Cpl. Evelyn Thomas, Capt. Jim Pietrangelo II, Cadet Mara Boyd and Petty Officer Larry Whitt.

While I’ve slowly come around to the idea that DADT is antiquated and outdated and that it needs to be rescinded, these shit-for-brains have made me rerethink it. Fuck these ritards, they don’t deserve a moment’s thought.

While I was trying to get this POS computer to work right, Blackfive took all of the good lines. Except the one I’ve been trying not to type for months; All of you guys who want to tell the ladies that you’re ready to fulfill all of their needs, now’s the time to chain your ass to the White House fence and tell them all that you perform cunnilingus at every opportunity. Apparently it’s socially acceptable to advertise what you do in the privacy of your bedroom on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Category: Military issues

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Virtual Insanity

At least they arranged themselves left-to-right; boy, girl, boy, girl….

Marine 83

Damn that Marine is fat. Her NCO’s need a talking to.

Log Cabin

I don’t know about the rest, but I recall that Lt. Choi was discharged from the National Guard. Isn’t wearing the uniform while doing this short of shit a violation of the UCMJ, too?

Douchebags. The lot of them…


It seems CPL Thomas is leading the charge to be the NCOIC of all WAMs.


Sorry, she’s also head of the line of all BAMs as well.


This is the 2nd time Choi chained himself to the WH fence… Last time was in March right around the ANSWER march in town…


We got a white girl, asian guy, black girl, white guy, cadet? WTF…She’s not even in the military yet? white girl, and a sailor…

They needed a native american and a disabled ‘small’ person.



Good one, Dutch, almost got the screen with my coffee. Maybe Choi is advertising his “interests” while activating, uh, agitating, or whatever it is that those who need validation do?


Choi pretty much counts sandbag budles at the Lexington Ave Armory. He has no Platoon to lead since the first outburst and Col. Slack (27th BCT Cdr)is looking to dump him before the FY ends. Choi is also why Ltc. Andonie of the 69th was recently relieved (Drug Positives for 60 soldiers was another reason).


Is that a recruiting badge on PO Whitt’s uniform? Boy, if I had only known that he really WAS blowing the Chief Recruiter every month he missed goal…


You know, it occurs to me that a better way to make folks come around on gays in the military would have been a shadow op where they chained themselves to the WH with a sign that said something obscene the other way like “Toss all the Queers out”. This couldn’t possibly be anymore counter-productive for the cause than it is. Not one person in the entire world saw them do this and suddenly thought they were right. It is immature and asinine, and if the other side tried it it would be haye speech. How about waking the fuck up and acting appropriately?


Just calibrating my GADAR. Thanks for the visuals! And boy that Marine is fat. Couldnt they just chapter her for obesity?


I see that half of the servicemembers in the photograph taking this action are female, which is highly disproportionate to the actual numbers of females serving in the military. That only gives further credence to the widespread belief (whether true or not, I don’t know) that most women serving in the military are lesbians. I always hated it when I was in the Army back in the 70’s and 80’s when the common assumption was that if you were a female in the Army, you were either a lesbian or promiscuous. (Since I was neither, I solved the social dilemma and shielded myself by marrying quickly…twice…very bad mistakes…)


“Apparently it’s socially acceptable to advertise what you do in the privacy of your bedroom on Pennsylvania Avenue.”

And you can Thank this as a “gift” from the Clinton Years. Like the clap or herpies, I just keeps on giving!!

BT: Jimmy T sends.

B Woodman

Someone missed a golden — nay, a platinum — opportunity to deliver a massive smackdown while these fools and buffoons were chained to the fence. Too easy, like fish in a barrel.
But then again, it’s not nice to take advantage of the dis-advantaged.

Junior AG

…Gruss Gott, I have my beef with the conduct of the war, but there are some damned fine reasons why you DON’T WEAR A FRIGGIN’ UNIFORM to protests and partisan political events!!!


They should all be chaptered out for doing that.


“While I’ve slowly come around to the idea that DADT is antiquated and outdated and that it needs to be rescinded, these shit-for-brains have made me rerethink it.”


Anyway, these people will never be reprimanded for their conduct. They have every right to protest, off duty, out of uniform, and in their own personal capacity. Not in uniform. They will be treated with kiddy gloves because they belong to a special victim class. Yet another reason why DADT should not be repealed. We already have enough victim classes in the military who receive accolades and promotions without merit.


“While I’ve slowly come around to the idea that DADT is antiquated and outdated and that it needs to be rescinded, these shit-for-brains have made me rerethink it.”

You’re right, Jonn, it needs to be repealed and let the extant law reign.


Ben, just read the last of your post. You’re spot on.

It’s not about Joe the individual Patriot refreshing the tree of liberty with his blood and sweat it’s about the LBGT lobby fully and completely infiltrating DoD with all the accompanying rights and privileges.


I have obvious personal reasons yearning for the dissolution of DADT. Concurrently, I do believe that this form of behavior – activism, if you will – only serves to put fuel to the flame. It’s the same notion as a peace activist engaging in riotous conduct. However, what can you do? Some think things through. Others prefer direct and often caustic action. But one can’t chastise any entire group based on the actions of certain individuals.