DADT opponents heckle Obama

| April 20, 2010

Some of the folks who oppose the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy heckled him in Los Angeles last night over the issue according to the Associated Press;

The protesters shouted to ask Obama what he is going to do about the policy, which prohibits gays from serving openly in the military. The shouts grew so insistent that Obama responded.

The president said that he supports overturning “don’t ask don’t tell” and suggested the protesters should be yelling at the people who don’t.

Yeah, good come back – except, apparently everyone who can end the policy are Democrats, so where are the folks who oppose it?

Personally, I would have rounded up all of the hecklers, dropped them all off at the nearest basic training/boot camp facility, give them eight weeks of initial entry training and see how many enlist afterward. Sort of make them put their money where their mouth is – if there are so many gays who want to serve, where are they?

All I see are goofballs looking for an issue.

Category: Military issues

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Log Cabin

For obvious reasons, I won’t say who I am… But I am a gay man who will be reporting to MEPS latter this week for my physical. Assuming no health defects are found, which would be a real shock to me, I should be an enlisted future soldier in the US Army by May.

I will then get the privillege of lying to my commanders, fellow soldiers, and the American public for the length if my enlistment. So, although I think you are right insofar as the motivations of these leftwing assholes are concerned – they don’t care about anything but smearing the military – the idea that only heterosexuals can or should serve is false… and kinda offensive. I mean, I’m not the type to be easily offended, but not too long ago military officials and politicans were telling my grandfather and greatgrandfather that they couldn’t be soldiers due to the color of their skin.

My patriotism has nothing to do with my romantic life.


Devout Jews don’t eat ham sandwiches. See, I can post empty bumper sticker sentiment too.

Log Cabin

I’m Japanese on my father’s side, and I never said there was a law or regulation against their service, just a pervasive attitude. Both during WWII and Veitnam. African Americans served in segregated units and/or were barred from certain branches within living memory. Women as well. America is a great nation and I want badly toserve it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a flawless one.

Yeah, the frequency with which gays rights are conflates with those of ethnic minorities is annoying. Yes, Code Pink, the Berkley City Council, Dennis Kuscinch (or however you spell it) and the rest all rightly belong in Ranger Up’s Douchebagistan… And yes, I know the blame for DADT rests at the feet on Congress… But it doesn’t mean I can’t dislike the policy.

Maybe the ban made sense in 1942 or 1982. I wasn’t there. But in 2010, I think the attitude of the average American serviceman has changed. Look, I am still waiting to find out if I can even go to BCT, so I’ll defer to the earned wisdom of those who have or are serving… But there are gays and lesbians who want to serve, are serving, and have served.

The question asked was “[I]f there are so many gays who want to serve, where are they?” Well, I am one… And a five minute search on google will reveal hundreds if others who were serving before they were discharged under the ban. So, he asked, I told.

AW1 Tim

Actually, the gays who want to serve are already in the Military. I knew two of them. Not in the Biblical sense, of course, but served alongside them.

The biggest issue right now is that DADT is the law, and the law also prohibits gays from openly serving in the military. Those who have issues with that part need to address them to their respective Congress Critters, and not to the military. The military must follow the law, not create it.

The military will IAO, as it always has.


USMC Chris

Hey Boot/Shower Shoe/Scrub/Deppy, Cry me a fucking river. You can come on here and complain about how keeping your dick in your pants and how not stuffing it in other dude’s butts is affecting your military life after, uhh… you know… you actually are IN the military and you understand what the real argument is. I’ve served with gay guys, and I don’t give a crap about what they do on their free time, and I’m positive they didn’t give a shit about what I thought about them either. I find what gays do disgusting, but I’m sure I served with dudes who enjoyed getting a cleveland steamer every once in awhile which I find disgusting as well. But when rounds are coming down range, no one gives a shit, and I’d take a bullet for them, just like I’d take a bullet to any Marine who served with me. But until you’ve got at least ONE day of TIS and TIG, I won’t give a shit or even believe what you’re saying. The fact is, guys who want to serve, will serve, and everyone will find something they find disagreeable with the military and feel is fundamentally wrong with it. But they don’t become drama cases. So shut your friggin mouth (or keyboard in this case) and stop whining about how hard it is not keeping your butt hole moist and keeping your sex life quiet in the military. Go to your whack ass boot camp the army puts you through, do a little time in service, get a deployment under your belt, and THEN talk about how your gayness and how you had to hide it, in ANY WAY affected your ability to serve. By the way, my grandparents wouldn’t have been able to serve in the military either and I also have my issues with DADT, so in a minuscule way, I empathize, but the way you’ve come on here, did your drama queen bit, completely discredits your point of wanting to serve your country selflessly. Shut the fuck up scrub and talk to me after you’ve… Read more »


USMC Chris, you’re kinda being a jackass.

Jonn asked where the gays were who want to serve, this guy came on and replied. He wasn’t rude, he wasn’t obscene, and he wasn’t claiming to be anything other than someone who wants to serve and is gay. Which was the question he was asked.

I’m not sure why you “won’t give a shit or even believe what (he is) saying” before he actually becomes an enlisted man since the question at hand was where are the gays that WANT to enlist.

BLOGGER: “Does anyone here want to buy a Ford F-150?”

COMMENTER: “Yeah, I’ve been talking to my local dealship about about buying one!”

TROLL: “F–k you, unless you already have an F-150 (or better yeat an F-350) you can’t talk about trucks.”


Not only do I give a rats a$$ about gays in the military, I want Sikhs in combat arms, harsher conditions in Basic Training, mandatory two year national service, and get rid on limited combat tours.
If we had gone into Afghanistan knowing we’d rotate home only after OBL was sleeping in a body bag, we’d be done by now.


No one’s asking gays to lie, they are asking it to keep it their own business. You know, I am tired of hearing the gay argument (I mean that both ways) that soldiers talking about their sexual exploits is some sort of manditory event. Like there is some sort of meeting on Sunday where everyone gets together and talking about who they screwed over the weekend. You know, I keep hearing people say the military is like every other full time job, but I’ve never had a sit down with my boss to tell him who I am screwing. In fact, I have no idea about who is gay in my current office or not. More importantly, I don’t care the least about who is or is not gay.

Frankly, the thought that all soldiers act like oversexed frat boys in the barracks is a negative stereotype that I am tired of hearing about.

* apologies to any frat boys out there

Log Cabin

Actually, I’m single and not sexually active. But I would like to be able to date without having to hide it… or, y’know, put a picture of my significant other in my locker/wallet/etc.

“Oversexed frat boy behavior” is one thing, not being thrown out of the service because someone saw you kissing your boyfriend during a date is a whole different animal. The vast majority of gays and lesbians is no more promiscuous than any straight man or woman. Hell, with such a small percentage of population being gay, I’d reckon its much harder to find a date for me than any one of you.

We don’t all hang out at interstate rest areas.

Marine 83

Log Cabin, suprisingly enough I’m with USMC Chris…Untill you actually make it through boot camp, your opinion on the subject is really not worth spit. Untill then you are just another silly assed liberal who wants to overturn DADT. Everyones entitlted to an opinion, yours is just irrelevant.

USMC Chris

i don’t mind being called a jackass, cause i’m being one on purpose. if a person has made the decision to join the military, and make the decision to serve, he seems to be making a lot of arguments why its all about HIM not about who he’s serving. so am i being a jackass? absolutely. i’ll call him the friggin DEPing scrub that he is, just like i’d call out any Lt or Capt out who was being an idiot.

what i do mind is being called a troll. I chime in when I feel like I need to. I don’t have to write a friggin comment everyday, especially when I know the majority of these writers of this blog PERSONALLY. so you should check your fire before you start throwing accusations around.


(USMC Chris) – “just like i’d call out any Lt or Capt out who was being an idiot”

So I take it then you’re at least a major? (And all these years I thought officers were supposed to be gentlemen…)

Log Cabin

“Log Cabin” wasn’t a random choice if names, and ought to be a clue that I am not a Liberal…

As to my opinion not having any merit, to he’ll with that. DADT is a political issue, even if MEPS discovers some medical condition and I cannot enlist, I’m still entitled to my opinion…. Which is pretty damn relevant here. The original post asked where the gays who wanted to serve were. I stepped forward. I haven’t given any personal reasons WHY I want to, since that was not and is not the question at hand.

I don’t want to give personal information, firstly because this is the Internet; secondly, because I’m just a private guy; and, lastly, I don’t want to have it bite me in the ass when I am in the Army.

I’m ready to train, willing to do the job, and eager to go. My ASVAB was through the roof. I was a damn good athlete in high school… and I speak Chinese. The only thing about me the Army doesn’t like is my ex-boyfriend. No, I don’t need to justify myself to you.

John wanted to know if I was out there. I’m here. I’m queer. Get over it.


I’m guessing USMC Chris is queer, too, which is probably why he’s acting like a jackass in response to your thoughtful comments.

USMC Chris

First of all, my beef was not with this guy’s patriotism or whether or not he answered Jonn’s question. The answer to Jonn’s question is simple, the majority of gay in military serve honorably and quietly. But concerning the shower shoe. He wants to serve? All power to him. I’m glad he does. But he’s got to do a major attitude check if the first thing out the gate is “I will then get the privillege of lying to my commanders, fellow soldiers, and the American public for the length if my enlistment.” That’s what I have my beef with. Don’t give me or anyone else here who has served in combat a sarcastic sob story about lying to their commanders about what he likes to do with his dick. If you want to join the military, get rid of “me” and “I”, cause “YOU” don’t matter anymore. Second, Debra. No, I’m not a Major, I’m an NCO. And yes I am a gentlemen, but I’m an NCO first. If I saw one of my Marines kissing a dude on his off time, off the base, I really wouldn’t give a shit, but if I saw him acting like a drama queen who seems more interested in showing off his selflessness rather than actually being selfless, I’d put him in line. And as I said before, I’ll throw down with any Lt, Capt, or General (which I have on multiple occasions). And I’ll also serve with any man/gay/sikh/muslim/liberal/whatever you want else you want to call Marine and be proud to do so. You had ASVAB through the roof as well? Guess what, no one cares. I scored 99 percentile on mine and qualified for every MOS the Marine Corps had to offer. And guess what? No one cares. You have an opinion on DADT? No one cares. You’re a queer? Guess what, the majority of us don’t give a shit. Until you earn my/our respect, I really don’t want to hear your opinions on DADT or anything that has to do with the military. You want to be in the… Read more »

USMC Chris

wow Debra. nice. I like how you essentially use what someone identifies himself sexually, as a way to smear someone else. Or maybe it’s because you’re a dike.


LOL…Give me a kiss, baby! (Just kidding…I learned that from NHSparky, who wrote that to me recently, believe it or not.) Anyway, I’m just kidding. 🙂

It really wasn’t my intention to smear you, nor was it my intention to insult either you or Log Cabin. I apologize if I offended either of you. But to me it seems like your comments are frequently offensive – or maybe I’ve got you mixed up with the other Marines (I can’t always keep you all straight), but anyway, there was a little part of me that was wondering how you would react to that. And, FYI, I’m not a dike; I like guys pretty well, but even if I was one, I personally wouldn’t want to be called one.

Now let’s be nice to each other, okay? You don’t seem like such a bad guy after all, and I’m not a bad person either. Actually I like Marines really well and I’m around Marine NCO’s everyday in my work environment, so I’m sure that we’re supposed to at least be cordial to each other. 🙂


“Give me a kiss, baby!” LOL, Debra. I really don’t care if someone is gay or not. It’s none of my business. What I do care about is people thinking that the rules and law don’t apply to them or that they have some sort of right to serve this country. Until DADT is changed, serve, keep it in your pants and your mouth shut. If you can’t then don’t sign on the dotted line. The vast majority of gays I know and have met are just like everyone else. They want to be left alone by the government and go about their business.

Log Cabin: Yeah, some of us caught the reference you were making in choosing your screen name.

Log Cabin

Exactly, I want to serve and am perfectly capable of keeping my private life private… But, this doesn’t mean that in an anonymous forum on the web I am not going to voice my inner feelings. The “don’t tell” portion of the policy IS asking servicemen to lie about who they are….

I’m a libertarian leaning guy, I want Congress to get out of my private life. That’s all.


Given the newly announced regulations no longer allowing third party outings its unlikely anyone will get kicked out “because someone saw you kissing your boyfriend during a date.”


And yet somehow I get the feeling Log Cabin would be first in line calling for someone who has a questionable tattoo which “might” have gang or other unsavory implications to get the boot.

As I’ve said elsewhere, if you’re solely defined by your sexuality, you’re a pretty fucking shallow individual.


Log Cabin has, near as I can tell, only posted a half dozen times to this blog; mostly in this very thread. What has he said that gives any indication that he’s got an issue with tattoos or that he defines himself only by his orientation?

I’m also a new reader to this blog AND a guy in DEP waiting for his day to board his flight to Ft. Jackson. Is this really the way this blog community is? The “regulars” are going to pounce on any newbie they disagree with?


I’m a Major. Although the Benning School for Boys tried to make me one, I am no gentleman.


I agree.