That monolithic institution Vote Vets

| April 20, 2010

Dicksmith is such a ritard. Yesterday he starts out a blog post on VetsVoice making up some shit about Fox News and liberal stereotypes, virtually admitting that he’s never watched a minute of that channel;

There are many stereotypes that exist for progressives. Just watch Fox News for ten minutes and you’ll hear a couple of them. We’re all athiest[sic], latte drinking, Prius driving, tree huggers who want to take away everyone’s guns. As if progressivism is some monolithic institution that requires a purity test for membership. Of course, this these stereotypes are ridiculous.

Aside from the fact that Liberals are really “all atheist, latte drinking, Prius driving, tree huggers who want to take away everyone’s guns”, I think it’s funny that he used his own stereotype of Fox News Channel to make a very blunt point. And he doesn’t stop there. He goes on to tell us he’s a gun owner and he got excited about a rally in a Virginia park wherein rally participants would be carrying guns yesterday. He was excited until he happened to check on the date (April 19th);

April 19 is the anniversary of the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 and the government’s final confrontation in 1993 with the Branch Davidian cult members in Waco, Tex.

Although rally organizers claim the date of their rally is to commemorate Lexington and Concord, which happened a few centuries before Oklahoma and Waco, dicksmith would rather go with his first instinct – which is right wing hooligans with guns outside the Capitol threatening the perfect freedom that Obama has brought us.

Honestly, after the first paragraph of this article, the event appears to be nothing but a thinly veiled threat of armed insurrection, not a rally for Second Amendment rights.

Yeah, how’d that threat of insurrection work out yesterday, gumball?

Not to mention, what does open carry have to do with health care, climate change and bank bailouts?

What do clean energy campaigns and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell rants have to do with Veterans? It’s as if dicksmith is impervious to irony.

Category: Liberals suck

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Also, he appears to be impervious to logic and common sense. But that’s Dicksmith for ya, just a maroon.


The last few days I’ve noticed a new ad spamming the airwaves of my favorite AM stations. The ad attacks Representative Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (D-SD) for cozying up to “Big Oil” and urges everyone to support our troops by calling her office to read her the riot act about being a tool of “Big Oil”. Makes it out to be a patriotic duty to stick it to “Big Oil”. Its all about supporting our veterans. At the very end, the message is claimed by – Vote Vets. Thats how the toxic Dichkeadsmith treats his allies. Odds are that Stephanie will be bounced in November regardless, replaced by a doctor who went to the Mideast as a USAF surgeon.