Fine, one for you Ghey Guys Steelers fans out there….

| April 19, 2010

Here’s a link for you guys:

How Ben Roethliserger hung with Colons at a Sausage Party that was totally gay.

As I said on my Facebook page:

You know who you never hear about hanging out at Ghey Sausage parties? Me and Tom Brady.



Apparently Roethlisberger denied everything and flew off in his personal plane.

Category: Politics

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Can’t help but feel that the term gay (? ghey?) is used as an insult in your crowd. Not exactly hate speech, just kinda close. Here’s an article about “gay” animal research (hint – humans are animals, too) – you might find it interesting, and it might give you a little more empathy.


Pffft. Gay.


Hate speech? Really Joe, come on man. I daresay that on the issue of gay rights I am to the left of every milblogger and conservative blogger with the exception of Uncle Jimbo, Sniper and Gay Patriot. I’ve been supporting formation of a Sacred Band of Thebes in the military since day 1. In fact, while I am not gay I would be willing to join it if they would send me someplace fabulous to learn how.

Seriously man, lay off the caffeine or the sauce. If we have 2 gay readers, at least one of them got the nuance I was going for. Besides which the fact that Roethlisberger is not gay, and is in fact everything that is wrong with straights being assholes, and Tom Brady is almost a gay icon.


Also- My dog is probably gay (17 lbs of total gayness that tried to mount a 165 lbs St Bernard: nothin’ but tail) and I watch Project Runway and rooted for the flamboyent dude who got booted last week, which might not make me gay, but trying that defense may land you in pound you in the ass prison.


Dang… defensive much?


LOL! Fuckin’ Big Benny busted again. I don’t believe in coincidences. That’s what, the second time he’s been accused of sexual assault. Roethliserger needs to keep his sausage in his pants. I can’t stand Shitsburg, anyway. When we flush our toilets in Cleveland, Pittsburgh is where it resurfaces.

AW1 Tim


I’ve hated the Squealers for lo these many years. Decades even. Rumor has it that the Rooneys are looking to trade BR to Buffalo, which I think would be the perfect place for him, unless Detroit wanted his retard ass.

Adirondack Patriot

Is that Roethlisberger’s bi-plane? Or just a bi-curious plane.


OK, we’ve had our fun now. First, let me say that Ben is about as popular as a turd in a punch bowl in Pittsburgh right now, so absolutely no defense will be raised for his CranialRectal inversions. Second, GI Jane… Cleveland? Really? At least Pittsburgh managed to keep their team and didn’t have to give it away and then scramble to get it back. That, and the fact the term “Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl is a sarcastic way to describe taking a shit tells you where Cleveland ranks in the hearts of Americans. And last… Laugh all you want to, but we from “Sixburgh” judge football teams by how many Super Bowls they’ve won.

So there… Nyuh. LOL


It’s true, Ray; success breeds jealousy, jealousy breeds hatred, hatred breeds contempt.

So, very, very, very, very, very sad…

I definitely don’t condone what Little Benjy Boy did. In fact, I’m starting to feel that maybe the league should sit his ass for at least half the season — without pay.

One bad apple *does* spoil the whole bunch…


Sig, as the father of three girls who lives in Georgia now, I can tell you Benjy boy would be facing a much more serious punishment than a suspension had it been my daughter. I’m not big enough to kick his ass with Karate or Kung Fu, but I do know “Ching Ching”.

As far as I’m concerned he has lost the privilege of wearing the Black and Gold. If he plays this year I will be very disappointed with the Rooneys.

B Woodman

Please! Tell me the airplane’s ID was Photoshopped!


TSO–Brokeback Brady. Nuff said.


Joe, throwing out the “hate speech” bullshit is pretty ghey. I just consulted my lesbian cousin and she said “yep; that’s ghey”. I love how leftists are all about free speech, when it’s them, but then want to control what anyone else says that they don’t approve of. There is plenty of “free speech” I don’t like, but that little piece of paper I swore an oath to protect and defend says I don’t have the right not to be offended, same as you.

Hate speech; you leftists really are pathetic and love to play the victim card a lot.


Old Trooper you have to remember that it is only hate speech if leftys disagree with it.