Senators subpoena Gates

| April 20, 2010

The Stars & Stripes wrote last night that Senators Lieberman and Snowe issued a subpoena to Defense Secretary Gates in regards to the Fort Hood shooting last November;

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been ordered to appear before Congress or provide the requested information, but a senior Defense official said the department may say no to the subpoena.

Senior Defense officials told reporters Monday that the department cannot provide certain information to Congress under a provision of the military justice system known as “unlawful command influence.” For example, if the department provided Congress information that was inadmissible in court, and Congress in turn held hearings, a military judge could toss the case, one senior Defense official said.

Yeah, I saw how upset everyone got about John Murtha using “unlawful command influence”. The Army and DoD are hiding stuff, they’ve been hiding stuff since they told us that Hasan was dead in the early moments of the investigation. If there’s a fear of command influence, have the investigation behind closed doors – I want something on the record that will point fingers after the trial.

Gates’ subordinates used “illegal command influence” when they told us that the worst thing that could happen as a result of the Fort Hood shootings is if the Army suffered from a lack of diversity. After that idiot statement, everything Gates and the DoD does is suspect.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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Adirondack Patriot

Obama’s pledge of transparency.

Mission accomplished.


I thought it was Casey that said that.

But I do agree with you.


“The Army and DoD are hiding stuff, they’ve been hiding stuff since they told us that Hasan was dead in the early moments of the investigation.”

Setting aside the issue of whether anyone is “hiding stuff,” I think I’ve seen you mention the initial incorrect report of Hasan being killed before, and claiming that that somehow equals a coverup. I think what it really equals is bad info being released to the press before it was verified, and nothing more. Not everything is a conspiracy.


OK, Jack, how about the FBI saying Ft. Hood was not a terrorist attack, even as they were just warming up the SUV’s? The agents hadn’t even gotten to the base when the FBI said it wasn’t a terrorist attack, so were they omniscient, or just badly informed?


UpNOrth: What was your question have to do with what I wrote? The answer is zero, but I’ll give you a response anyway: No matter what the FBI or anyone else says, the FT Hood shooting was a terrorist act. Committed by a radical Islamic terrorist. Happy? Jonn: Help me understand, please. You believe that the Army was going to let the world think the FT Hood shooter was dead, and only after you posted his ORB did they give and in tell everyone he was alive? Because somehow nobody else would know who he really was if you hadn’t posted his ORB? Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see how that makes any sense. Why would they pretend he was dead? Why would they only “undead” him after you posted his ORB? If you know something I don’t, then please share. I remember that day pretty well. I recall media reports that there were two shooters, that one of the shooters had killed many people at a nearby theater holding a graduation, that one shooter was dead and a second in custody, that one shooter was in custody and another on the loose…it was a chaotic, tragic scene and I can easily understand how there was conflicting information, especially since many of the media reports were coming from text messages and phone calls from people in the vicinity, who certainly were not fully informed about everything that was happening. In order for a person to believe that the Army was going to somehow cover this up, you would have to accept that everyone involved, including shooting victims who saw Hasan and could identify him, DOD police, civilian paramedics and rescue personnel, civilian employees and military members who were witnesses were all going to…what, exactly? Pretend he was dead? Pretend he wasn’t in the military? I honestly don’t get what sort of coverup/conspiracy you think was in play. Sorry, what you are alleging just makes no sense to me. The media reports were wrong for four hours. When the Army had all the facts, they issued a statement that… Read more »


Jonn: Okay, I read them again. I’m sorry, but I’m just not seeing what you’re seeing.

What am I missing? His name was already out there before you posted the ORB, right? Assuming that there was a cover up, which I still don’t believe for an instant, how does the Army benefit by having the world think Hasan dead when he wasn’t? What was the plan: whisk him away to the island that JFK and Elvis are on until you blew the lid off the scheme by posting the ORB? What about the ORB that you posted prompted the Army to abandon the “cover up?”

I’m not trying to be flip. I’m a longtime reader, I enjoy the site and I admire you on a personal level. I don’t always agree with everything you post, but for the most part we agree on much more than we disagree. But I really think you’re way off base here, and it’s hard for me to take anything about this conspiracy theory seriously.