Laughable lesson from admitted liar and disbarred lawyer

| April 17, 2010

This shit cracks me up:

Speaking to the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., today, [Bill] Clinton urged political and media leaders to remember that “words matter”…

As memory serves, isn’t this the man that said:

I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinksky.

This is the same guy that had to

resign from the U.S. Supreme Court Bar on Friday rather than face a threatened suspension.

I’d sooner take relationship advice from Chris Brown, or cooking advice from Jeffrey Dahmer than be lectured about how words manner by a douche that once equivocated based on “what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

I love the paragons of appropriateness they trot out. It’s simply laughable.

Category: Politics

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Have you ever seen the Clinton “presidential library”? It looks like a doublewide trailer that someone pushed halfway off a riverbank. Talk about your proverbial “bridge to nowhere”! And yet, it is somehow fitting for our Corpulent Intern Defiler-in-Chief!

Jonn Lilyea

I’ve seen videos of that speech that Clinton gave and guess who was in the audience. Mark Potok. Irony of ironies.


As much as I’d love to make fun, sex and politics should not mingle.


Actually, politics shouldn’t mingle with anything at all. I suppose that’s where the Polish catch phrase – “Politika jest naj wieksza korwa” – comes from….

Billy C.

Eatn’ aint’t cheatn’. Hey Monica ya want a shot of Jack ta wash that Protein shake down.

Frankly Opinionated

I read on today that Silly Billy said todays Tea Party People are reminiscent of 1996 mood. Wasn’t that just after he and Janet Reno did the Waco Wacko thing? What a fireworks/Mad Minute demo.

Nuf Sed


BDS is progressing to insanity faster than anyone thought. Half the democrat party will reside in the rubber room motel within 5 years.

Anibal Heninger

I’ve already been reading your website for a number of days (stumbled on it) and its terrific! many thanks for trying to keep it up-to-date with fresh new meat!