Spetsnaz Boomstick

| April 16, 2010

Rurik sent me this video yesterday entitled Spetsnaz Boomstick found on Gun Blog.

I gotta think that no one volunteers to be the guy swinging the stick.

Category: Terror War

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Adirondack Patriot

I’ll bet Elin Woods wished she had one of those last Thanksgiving.


Makes me want to pop “Army of Darkness” into the DVD player tonight, but I gotta work tomorrow.


the title of the video says “this is real a showoff/dog & pony show” – meaning it is all not for real, just boom and smoke but no real harm. Although the guy did get knocked down, he got up right about the time his comrades reached the front door of the bus. According to the announcer on that show, that was a successful hostage rescue operation :o)

509th Bob

And what, exactly, is the tactical purpose of firing bursts into air well above the bus? It happens after stick guy does the splodey thing and the camera pans to behind the bus – there’s one guy going all Hollywood Rambo.

Hmmm, preparing to shoot down flying Unicorns about to make a gold-plated skittle fart drop? I didn’t think the muj had air support.


Why not just use the back-flipping hatchet attack…?



They train a little different in Russia…


The guy swinging the stick has got to be a Marine.

Thanks for the cool vid!

AW1 Tim

I’ll bet that the guy swinging the stick is the new guy on the team…..


Olga–if that’s what they consider a successful operation, I’d hate to see an unsuccessful one.


Maybe they were actors being trained for a movie, like the actors who were trained by Rangers at Ft. Benning for Black Hawk Down, instead of real soldiers?


I want one of those! Then just develop a sling to throw it with. To hell with the demonstrated method.


I know LOL
Remember the Moscow Theater hostage rescue?? that was considered a successful operation, too…

No, this was some dog & pony show for the public by the Russian Spetznaz

Mr Wolf

In Soviet Russia, bus blows YOU!


Adirondack Patriot

The guy hits the third window, but the explosion occurs in the lowermost and rearmost portion of the right chassis.

Looks to me like the stick is useless. All they did is remote detonate planted explosives.

Kind of like when NBC News rigged the rockets to the exploding gas tanks on the pickup trucks.


I remember a public demonstration (pokazukha) outside Saint Peterburg on VVS Day 1996. Lots of fun watching Spetsnaz parachuting out of Antonov biplanes below treetop level, and from higher flying helicopters. Firing their Kalashnikovs as they descended. Then they formed up for combat demo, shovels and knives, and then sambo. Some very “impressive” demonstrations of making a running leap through a flaming hoop – while firing the Kalashnikov from the hip. The demo ended when they formed up in two ranks, removed their blue berets, and in unison each man smashed an empty beer bottle over his own head. This being Russia, of course they used empties.


Wow, I didn’t know about any of this…The things I learn at TAH!


This, along w the comments, made my day. That’s really pathetic, I know. I’ve got tears from laughing so damn hard.



This, along w the comments, made my day. That’s really pathetic, I know. I’ve got tears from laughing so damn hard.



sorry. 🙁 usually it tells me I double clicked.


I could have sworn I heard that guy with the exploding stick scream: “Hey watch this”

AW1 Tim


yeah he did… it was right after he asked the guy beside to “hold my beer”…