John Kerry: McCain confused

| June 11, 2008

Ben Smith at Politico recounts John Kerry’s (who hasn’t signed his Form 180 yet) version of success in Iraq;

John Kerry, who’s served in the past as Obama’s heavy-hitter on national security, expressed incredulity at McCain’s remark this morning that the timing of troops return is “not too important.”

“It is unbelievably out of touch and inconsistent with the needs of Americans and particularly the families of troops who are over there. To them it’s the most important thing in the world when they come home,” he said. “It’s a policy for staying in Iraq.”

Kerry and Obama aide Susan Rice also both said McCain is “confused” — a line some in McCain’s camp will surely take as a shot at the candidate’s age.

Yeah, we all know what you meant, Kerry. But let me remind you and Susie Rice of a little history;

We left Europe in 1920 and we had to go back in 1944. That time we stayed and Europe has had it’s longest peaceful period in it’s history. We stayed in South Korea and Japan – same result. We left Vietnam (you remember) and a bloody reprisal and repression began that lasted decades. We left the Phillipines and they’re fighting guerrillas and terrorists. We left Iraq in 1991 and we had to go back in 2003. We left Somalia in 1993 and we’re still fighting to varying degrees there.

If anyone is confused on the subject of our troops leaving Iraq, it’s been you – ever since you voted for the war before you voted against it.

Category: Politics

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Can you say…SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS with a little finger lick and a point! That would be Jon Carry, confused and a liar.

Frankly Opinionated

I just had a phone conversation with a retired Lt. Gen. A past Company Commander of mine. Hadn’t talked to him in 40 years, and he is aghast with the thought of the sheeple electing the Obamessiah. Called Jon Carry a “shitface”.
nuf sed


I think it’s great how you bash on a man for voting for a war that (false) intelligence convinced a country to go to(aside from 11 million protesters, I mean a large focus group). What is even more deplorable is that you get mad at him for changing his mind! I think it is irresponsible not to react to a changing situation. Supporting this war is not a one time decision. You make it every day as you learn more about it, which apparently you haven’t bothered to do. Before you attack my patriotism, I was actually there.

Jonn wrote: I don’t usually bother with people who assume I’ll attack their patriotism before I’ve said a word to them – I’ve never attacked anyone’s patriotism here. You must be pretty insecure if you have to preface every discussion like that.

But there are actually thousands of reasons I don’t like John Kerry. Mostly because he’s an opportunist. He voted for the war when it was popular to do so, and then against when it was less popular. Dante tells us there’s a special place at the gates of Hell for people like that.

It has nothing to do with making a decision every day. It has to do with making the tough decision in the beginning and then seeing it through to the end, no matter how unpopular it makes you – that’s called strength of character – something John Kerry knows nothing about.

Weak people cave into the popularity polls (as you’ve apparently done). Me? I knew we were going to have to go finish the job in 1991. I was more than willing to bang on the gates of Baghdad then so you and your generation wouldn’t have to. But no one asked me. The war in Iraq has always been the right decision – but trying to convince you would be a waste of my time.

Updated: Oh, heh, now I know who you are and my judgment was right.

Mike Dennin

Bryan –
If Kerry’s position on the war in Iraq wasn’t a matter of political expedience, he would be acknowledging the progress that has been made in Iraq since late 2006 and promoting the push to see this through to a swift and successful conclusion. You’re absolutely right, this is not a situation that calls for inflexibility, and that cuts both ways.


cool. a standing O for that post!