What’s Up with Barry’s Secret Documents?
And by that I mean fairly innocuous documents. His refusal to release his birth certificate is a bit puzzling. I seriously doubt there is anything on a birth certificate that would be a show stopper for Barry and actually it could help defuse some of the rumors floating about.
I’d like to see another fairly benign document; his registration for Selective Service. It is required by law and would definitely disqualify him for the job he is seeking.
A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service. Proof of registration is required only for men born after December 31, 1959.
Illinois takes it a couple of steps further.
Enacted two pieces of legislation: One requires Selective Service registration as a precondition for state student financial aid and the other requires registration as a precondition for state employment. Gov. James Thompson signed these in 1984 and 1989, respectively. On Jan. 1, 2002, an Illinois law became effective requiring men to be registered with Selective Service to obtain a state driver’s license. Gov. George Ryan signed this legislation on July 20, 2001.
This is probably nothing but it would be amazingly stupid if he didn’t bother to register.
Category: Politics
I like to sleuth…wonder if I could dig that up? hhmmm. I tried. You can see that his birth state is Illinois, and mnay prior addresses…but not his BC.
COB6 Wrote: Are you sure about the birth state? I thought he was born in Hawaii? What did you uncover?
Not only would BO have to register with the Selective Service, he would also be required to inform them of any changes of address, etc., etc., following his initial registration.