Think we have it bad here?

| April 8, 2010

Do you think we have it bad here with anti-war point-headed pseudo-intellectuals? Well, look at Canada. Fifteen professors from the University of Regina have signed a letter which opposes a scholarship program for the children of soldiers who died in war. The letter reads, in part;

This program, which waives tuition and course fees, and provides $1,000 per year to “dependents of Canadian Forces personnel deceased while serving with an active mission”, is a glorification of Canadian imperialism in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We do not want our university associated with the political impulse to unquestioning glorification of military action.

In our view, support for “Project Hero” represents a dangerous cultural turn. It associates “heroism” with the act of military intervention. It erases the space for critical discussion of military policy and practices. In signing on to “Project Hero”, the university is implicated in the disturbing construction of the war in Afghanistan by Western military- and state-elites as the “good war” of our epoch.

The self-indulgent pricks go on to whine about how ALL college students are having a difficult time paying for college – but I wonder how many of them would take a pay cut in order to help those students out? But, you know, I could see US eggheads taking the same stance if it meant they could get their stupid names on the news. It’s not about service and sacrifice, it’s about writing a stupid and selfish letter that makes your less dedicated students more enamored with you.

These children made more sacrifices in their short lives than these bespectacled, long hairs will ever make. That’s probably why the teachers oppose a leg up for them.

But take a look at the disciplines in which these blivet heads teach. No surprises and no hope.

Category: Liberals suck

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“unquestioning glorification of military action”

No, dipshits–it’s about helping out kids who otherwise would have had a better shot at a college education had they managed to be in a two-parent family, but unfortunately due to circumstances far out of the control of either the servicemember or the kids, that servicemember is no longer with us.

Basically, it’s another case of asshole liberals whining, “But…but…but…it’s all about meeeeeee!” Of course, were they really scholars of history, they’d know that if the revolution they so love ever did come to fruition in Canada, they’d be the first ones lined up and shot.

AW1 Tim

I bet those assmaggots wouldn’t have any troubling supporting kids whose father’s were gang members killed while comitting crimes.

This is the reason why tenure needs to be abolished.

Old Tanker


I was thinking along the same lines…..a dollar to a doughnut they would give to a fund for the children of Gitmo detainees. We live in friggin’ Bizarro world….

Junior AG

Some days I wish ol’ Ghengis Khan would ride out of hell and make chop-chop on the ivory tower dwelling elitists…

Larry T

i can think of 15 loony people who should not be working on the canadians public loonies and toonies.


The maggots must all live in gated communities because none have ever lived aroung me. They wouldn’t like it if they did.


Those assmaggots are incorrect, it is not their university, it belongs to the people of Saskatchawan. I know, the liberals in the Ivory Towers think that everything belongs to them, but it just isn’t so.
Although a fantastic idea, the children eligible for this will have an impossible time at that particular university, because of the close-minded assmaggots who will go out of their way to make sure the kids’ university experience is just plain rotten.

Bill R.

Why do (supposed)educated people like that turn logic upside down? Few people glorify military service and those that do are usually the ones who either never served or never saw action. True heroes don’t. That said, military service IS something to be proud of and shows that those people were once part of something bigger than themselves. It also protects those A holes so they can spout that nonsense although in Canada’s case, the big neighbor to the south helps a bit, too.


One idea is we could write to the President and Vice President and make our case in support of this program. This is the copy of the email that I sent.

Dear Sir

I am writing in response to the fifteen letters that are calling for the University of Regina to end its support of the “Project Hero” that provides financial aid. I respectfully request that the University keeps supporting this program to those children who have lost a parent in military service to Canada.

This is something that is a small consolation rather then a goal to achieve. Because I am willing to say that every single student would give up this financial aid if it would bring back their parent. So by giving them this aid it helps provide the student pay for bills that would have been covered by the fallen parent.

I am not a citizen of Canada, but I am a member of the US military and have gone to Iraq. So when educators want to cancel a program that is to help those who have lost of a parent to war because they object to the war that they fought in is very disturbing. I would find it very offensive considering the hardships and dangers that come with military duty in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

So in closing I would respectfully request that the University keeps it support for “Project Hero”

From Andrews, Warren

SSG David Medzyk


“…Canadian Imperialism…”



very well said sporkmaster.


Our little brothers to the north do have some crazies… I’ll be looking for the signs of Canadian Imperialism: Terrance and Phillip, Maple syrup, The Mckenzie brothers, and their healthcare professionals infiltrating the US. They are slowly taking over the world… Oh Canada.


Proof that intelligence and stupidity are separate qualities that can occur together (and really create some idiotic things).