Confidence in how the war is fought

| March 24, 2010

Every week or so, dicksmith at VoteVets is fond of reminding us how many terrorists are being killed in Afghanistan under the current administration. Mostly he’s talking about dead terrorists resulting from the use of Joe Biden’s robot ninja zombies.

dicksmith fails to mention the ways this administration is making us less safe. Ways like releasing terrorists back into the wild from Guantanamo;

It marks the 34th time that a U.S. judge frees a Guantanamo terrorist since the Supreme Court ruled that detainees could challenge their incarceration in federal court. Slahi arrived at the military compound in 2002 and claims he was tortured, threatened with death, sleep deprived and moved around the base blindfolded.

Slahi’s terrorist activities are extensive and detailed in the 9/11 Commission report, which explains how he recruited four of the September 2001 conspirators from the renowned Hamburg Germany cell. They include Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah, the suicide pilots of American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and United Airlines Flight 93.

Yeah, I know it’s a judge who released Slahi, but it’s the choice of the administration to try these animals in a court of law instead of just leaving them imprisoned. Is there any doubt that the world willbe less safe when Slahi is released? How much sense does it make to release him on technicalities of law?

I’d love for dicksmith or Tony Camerino to explain how this makes us more safe and how closing Guantanamo makes even a little sense.

Thanks to Mad Bear for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Terror War, United Nations

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The story I noticed the other day was that dicksmith was praising our work with the Pakis and noting that they were arresting a whole slew of Tali guys in their areas. Then I saw a story about how the dudes that were arrested were all the ones that were on lists of folks willing to perhaps come over to Karzai’s side. The implication being that the Pakis were arresting guys who were wavering into coming over to the light side of the force. I kept waiting to hear the dicksmith spin on it, but it never happened.


Plenty of jihadis captured on the battlefield were released during the Bush Administration too. Bush’s original idea was that none of them would ever see the light of day, that they would remain prisoners until the end of hostilities. The Bush approach was, contrary to what screaming liberals will tell you, completely legal and totally within the precedent of every war we’ve ever fought. Fighters captured on the battlefield overseas are not common criminals arrested in Cincinati. Furthermore, if they aren’t wearing uniforms, if they don’t conform to the rules of war, they don’t even merit the protections reserved for POWs.

Over the course of his administration, Bush’s policy changed. I’m not sure, was this change ordered by some court? Anyway, he seemed to think he could make the liberals like him by changing course.

The true scandal of Gunatanamo Bay is the number of jihadis who have been released and returned to fight against our soldiers, plot new terror attacks, etc. There seems to be very little outrage about THAT. Democrats and the media (there’s a lot of overlapping there) seem awfully concerned about the three known terrorists we’ve waterboarded, but they don’t give a shit about the 50+ jihadis who have left imprisonment and returend to fight against us.

This whole thing has become such a charade. I’m completely in favor of returning to a balls-to-the-wall War on Terror, in which we do things the right way and just let the ACLU cry themselves to sleep like children having temper tantrum. But lawyers run this country, so I don’t see a change in that policy coming any time soon.

Just A Grunt

Breaking News: I finally got my Delta Bravo Sierra coffee mug,”There’s stupid…” It only took about 2 months, not that I’m complaining or anything.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Cedo Alteram

Ugh VoteVets again.

Well TSO that has been the contention. The Pakistanis are making a strategic decision. They have implied that they have no intention to hit Haqqani, because they say they want strategic depth. In other words someone other then Mullah Omar/Taliban which may or may not be damaged goods and a domestic liability now. They can’t trust the mercurial Hekmatyar/HIG they’re favorite of the 1980s, because they’re crazy, the Taliban were the anedote to them int the 90s. Which leaves the Haqqanis.

Sorry to lazy and tired for a longer post.


I keep wondering, why don’t we start dropping off the “releasees” in the middle of Nowhere, Afghanistan where a sniper team just happens to have received a “mistaken” target order for the recently released? A few of these “mistakes” would probably help clear out the get-out-of-jail-free suits, too.