Matthis’ Big Weekend Adventure

| March 23, 2010

A little bird called to tell me that Matthis Chiroux was arrested this weekend for making mud stencils in front of the White House. Sure enough, I found a photo of the arrest at Al Jazeera.


Notice the cane on the ground – he’s still playing the sympathy card for his broken leg from A FRICKEN YEAR AGO! I think that’s Elaine Brower, crackpot emeritus, next to him.

Of course, this is the photo that’ll bring the most comment. Former Army Sergeant and recipient of a General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions and six day TDY veteran of Afghanistan Matthis Chiroux burning a US Flag to score some hippie chic strange.


His leg doesn’t seem to be bothering him, does it? The IVAW folks were keeping this close to their vest passing it around on their Facebook accounts, but thanks to some refugees, we have it now.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Pack a day smoker of cock that one.


Those clowns jumped the shark a long time ago.

Casey J Porter

What I wrote on my blog:

IVAW and their poster-boy Matthis “The Army Made Me A Rapist” Chiroux strikes again! But this really does piss me off, he thought it would be a great sign of protest to burn the U.S. Flag. Listen, I don’t think there should be a law against burning the flag, we don’t need more micro-managing laws. But I don’t think burning ANYONE’S flag is right. It’s called basic, simple respect. People know I don’t agree with everything our country is doing these days but this is just out of line. These fucks in IVAW preach Peace and Tolerance, but show very little of it. They also claim to care about members of our Military, and their Health Care, but do NOTHING for them. I guess burning the flag makes you look “cool” and getting attention to yourself is more important than actually helping others. Proof once again, Matthis is an attention grabbing self-centered boy in a thin druggie mans body. It’s been made clear that IVAW doesn’t give a damn about anything but the “movement” and making themselves feel powerful and important.

It also makes people not take you seriously at all. The Anti-War “movement” is legendary for it’s circle-jerking and running people off. How many people are going to take IVAW seriously when they see shit like this???

If this pisses you off, feel free to e-mail the Board of Directors at:

On another note, Matthis did get arrested.

Once again, they have the right to do it, doesn’t mean I have to like it.


Link to my note


You found the story on Al Jazerra’s website. That’s really disturbing. Wonder when Matthis is going to convert to Islam? Oh, wait! He would have to actually BELIEVE in something other than his own glorious self and be a person of sincere faith and conviction. Never mind.


Mattis, next time you feel the need to burn the flag, wrap yourself in it first.


TSO, you owe me a new monitor.


Jonn, If I had known that it was illegal when I saw it, I would have turned the bastard in myself. Damn.

Old Trooper

Notice the commie “answercoalition” sign, also? Yeah, they are infested with the socialist/commie virus over at IVAW. If I ever get close enough to Matthis, I will kick him square in the junk. He won’t have to worry about getting any hippie strange for a very long time.

Burn the flag and claim you care as a Vet? Fuck you Matthis, you piece of shit.

My apologies to his father, Robert, for my little rant above.


Sparky…spew alert!!!


Wait a minute.

The MAS foundation is buddy-buddy with CAIR, which means they are probably Wahhabis.

ANSWER is clearly a Communist organization.

Are these losers anything other than principled America haters?


Jonn, that’s not his cane. That’s what he calls his “portable stimulus package”. Might want to warn the cops to not touch that without rubber gloves on.


I wondered, on another thread, which asshat from IVAW burned the flag? I shoulda known.
Old Trooper, I don’t think he’s really after female strange, he’s just after any strange.

Old Tanker

I don’t think he’s really after female strange, he’s just after any strange.

Then maybe he could just go fuck himself because he IS strange!!


You would think with all those donations the guy could buy himself a regular belt.


Here’s a tip. If the only media outlets that care about you are Al Jazeera and PressTV, you might want to check yourself.

Robert Chiroux

I remember in younger days in foreign lands the comfort I felt when I saw our flag, flying above the embassy, painted on the fuselage or snapping in the breeze off the fantail of a ship. In life the Almighty grants us free will but not a free pass. We all must carry the burden of our sins across the span of our lifetime. Likewise our country provides us the freedom to burn the very symbol of that freedom, but you have to live with it. The crowd will move on but the weight will remain and grow ever heavier. You will see.


When I was still a Sgt in the fleet I had a Cpl working for me who was a self important little shit. I tolerated his nonsense until one day a LCpl made a joking remark to him, and instead of correcting her he insulted her personally.

That was the last straw. I stopped putting up with his BS after that and then looked into what the hell was wrong with him. Later that afternoon I found this interesting disorder listed in the DSM-IV: Narcissistic Personality Disorder. That Marine who worked for me exhibited a lot of the traits mentioned in the DSM, and I recognize a lot of them in Matthis.

Here is a link that sets out the diagnostic criteria:

I think he fits seven, maybe eight. Five are required for a diagnosis.

I’m not trying to excuse his abhorrent behavior. I’m just trying to answer that question I know all of us have asked ourselves upon seeing this blog entry: “What the fuck is wrong with that kid?”


When I say, “I think he fits seven, maybe eight,” I am referring to Matthis, not the guy who worked for me.


What, you mean he didn’t get hurt in a bong explosion?