Stanford considers reinstituting ROTC
The Washington Times reports that fprmerly prestigious Stanford is reconsidering it’s 40-year-old ban on the Army’s ROTC program.
The return of ROTC to Stanford would carry a particular symbolism because of the fiery way in which the military/academic program left.
Anti-war demonstrators burned down the Navy ROTC building on campus in 1968. Two years later, Stanford stopped giving credit for ROTC curriculum courses, citing what administrators said was the low academic rigor of the classes. The ROTC program was banished from the campus in 1973.
“Low academic rigor” means, of course, that there was nothing that taught important classes like “The Historiography of Mutant Sex” or “You Can’t Hug Your Children With Nuclear Arms”.
The university, along with several other “ivy” colleges are now considering lifting their ban because they’re trying to convince the president to lift the military’s gay ban.
“That is inconsistent with the fundamental values of the university,” [Columbia President Lee Bollinger] said.
Funny how they can think of more reasons to exclude the ROTC program from their university life than reasons to include ROTC.
Instead of kowtowing to the eggheads, the government should, instead, close their ROTC program to the students who attend those colleges completely. As it stands now, for example, students at Harvard (which won’t let ROTC on campus) who want to attend ROTC have to go to MIT for their ROTC classes. The government still pays at least a portion of their tuition. That should end. freeze those universities completely out of the program until they decide to conform.
Why should the military bow to a bunch of pointy-headed dorks – especially so these pseudo-intellectuals make have input to a system they don’t even understand. Besides, Harvard, Stanford and Yale are only brand names these days. their students are no better educated than any other. Who needs ’em?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Military issues
“their students are no better educated than any other”. Recent events such as the election of the dumbest man in America as POTUS prove they provide less actual education than any ‘failed’ community college.
What’s really funny about all of this is that in the Marxist utopia that was the USSR, military men were infinitely more respected than psuedo intellectuals ever were.
Low academic rigor, huh.
If it was for patriotism, I’d say it was ’bout damn time. However, if it’s just to encourage our most leftward-leaning president ever to bring us getting hit on the shower by folk of our own sex, f*ck it… thanks Stanford, but sit and spin ’til you get a clue.