Bad crazy for your Monday morning

| March 15, 2010

Ever wonder how we won Desert Storm so easily? Was it because we have the best military in the world, an over-whelming number of coalition troops, and air power dominance that made fighting against it a bad idea? Nope, it was brain waves people!

From IVAW-ally blog Iraq Cry:

This is an extremely timely and important essay It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrendered en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces.

The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then another 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.

Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

But, lest you think this is only being used against Iraqis, you sheeple need to wake uP!

I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture? Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?

Buy stock in aluminum foil, cause that shit is priced to move!

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

I’d say that that fellow has entirely too much time on his hands. I wonder if he also stares at goats?

Jon The Mechanic

If I remember correctly, some Roman Emperor said ‘Let them hate, as long as they fear.’

If we can win battles with as few casualties as we did in Desert Storm, I am all for it. More of our brothers and sisters coming home fit and in 1 piece is ALWAYS a good thing.

Old Tanker

So that’s why all those Iraqi’s were kissing my boots…..and here I thought it was because they were half starved, scared shitless, and glad we didn’t shoot them…..

Frankly Opinionated

Wow! Thanks for the heads up on this one. Am I ever glad that I didn’t get me one of them $40 conversion thingys. Instead, I gave my TV to my Granddaughter. My Uber Liberal sister, does watch a lot of TV, so perhaps that is what keeps her festering in ignorance of fact. Wow, just WOW! “SSSS” could then mean: “Some Scary Strategic Shit”. Since this is sound based, I wonder if those who want to ward it off should actually make tinfoil earmuffs as well as the hat. I have noticed of late, that many liberals may have been tipped off to this, because they don’t seem to hear anything of common sense value.
“SSSS”- some surenuff scary shit there.

Nuf Sed

Mr Wolf

Well then, this explains all the satellite dishes in Iraq and the fact they had HD before WE did…



Make sure you get Reynolds Wrap. That generic store-brand cheap shit just isn’t thick enough to deflect the waves, dude.

Old Tanker

You might need a tin foil hat like Mo Cheese!!!

USMC Steve

The real reason they quit in droves is not all that complicated:

1. They knew they were totally fucking in the wrong

2. They knew they were going to DIE when we got there

3. They are shitty troops in the first place; they beat Iran, another shitty third world army, so what? All that proved is that Soviet style human wave attacks don’t work all that well on either side.

4. Other than the “elite” republican guards divisions, none of their troops got even decent levels of support or leadership.

There was no super sekrit death ray, but we all knew that in the first place.


Just because someone says crazy stuff does not actually make them an “ally”, TSO. Just saying.

Jonn Lilyea

AS; They do link to IVAW. I don’t see a link to TAH, though.

Junior AG

M’kay, I’ll tumble through the atomic loophole in logic and pretend this “Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)”exists… WHY THE HELL AREN’T WE USING IT IN ASSCRACKISTAN WHERE THE BADGUYS OFTEN FIGHT IN MOUNTAIN RANGES AWAY FROM THE CIVILIANS??? Seems like a perfect place to employ it

“All that proved is that Soviet style human wave attacks don’t work all that well on either side.”
USMC Steve, Ivan ain’t a blundering fool, most allegory about Russians using cattle herd tactics comes from the Russo-Finnish war and early Barbarossa disasters because Stalin bumped off his officer corps before WWII. Plus there were times when the Russians used penal units to get rid of political prisoners, too. A lot of our information on Russian tactics comes from former Wehrmacht/SS sources and is heavily biased.
The Russian Army has and does encourage initiative in it’s ranks! Chuikov’s 62nd Army used vicious, decentralized urban swarm tactics to tie up Von Paulus’ 6th Army in Stalingrad. Jump forward to Chechnya, Ivan learned hard lessons there and has implemented a pile of change, esp. in sniper techniques, after that debacle.
Putin, a decisive man of action, has instituted military reforms, Yeltsin, the drunkard, is long gone….


So, Steve’s parrot is blogging for Iraq Cry now?


Whoops–I meant Curt’s parrot. Dang. Obviously I’m a quart low on coffee this morning


I find this view rather troubling coming from one of the more important milblogs around.

I can understand your reservations about ‘truthers’ and ‘birthers’, but in this case your attempt at humor is sadly misguided.

Of course The Government is employing mind control techniques!

Some are subtle, some are brute force, but they exist. If you watch television or movies you have undoubtedly been impacted by subliminal messages. Even print media can use steganography to implant messages.

And how do you think a microwave oven works? And newly (publicly) acknowledged Area Denial Systems?

Consider our current financial situation; much of it can be traced to the use of ATMs and credit cards. We KNOW ATMs have cameras, but do we know what else those ubiquitous machines contain? Credit Cards are more obvious, they have a magnetic stripe on them. If an MRI can look inside us, what can those small bits of plastic do?

BTW, foil hats are are a straw man. One needs a full Faraday Cage for effective screening from the radio frequency based tools.

So before you chalk the above up to yet another form of mental derangement consider this; how did a lightweight like Obama get elected?

Old Tanker

Of course The Government is employing mind control techniques!

That explains why when my census form came I looked at the mail man like it was Ed McMahon and the mail truck was the Publishers Clearing House van….

Toothless Dawg

Ponsdorf, I think you may be on to something with your ATM theory. The other day after visiting one of those infernal government machines, I had an uncontrollable urge to go across the street to the 7-11 and buy a 12pack of Bud. Shortly thereafter I was rendered unconscious.


OT: Re, the census.

Out here in Nowhere, WV some guy delivered my census form also. It was in an addressed envelope? Why hand deliver something that could have been sent via USPS. I’ve spent several days looking for whatever devices he MUST have planted. So far nothing… did you find anything after he left?

You have been looking, haven’t you?


well ther ya have it, proof positive

Old Tanker

…..You have been looking, haven’t you?….

Dang, I let my guard down…..that’s okay though, I’m wearing my Mo Cheese approved hat (see my #7)


Jeez, and here I thought it was the overwhelming military superiority. Boy was I wrong. The 4th largest army in the world was looking down the barrel of a severe ass-whipping by the most advanced and best trained army on the planet and wanted no part of it.

Cedo Alteram

The Russians still have a pretty shitty army. They do have a few exceptions but you don’t judge an army by its elites.

Armys that rely on overwhelming firepower tend to have poor infantry. The Russians didn’t use waves? “It is indeed remarkable that the Red army ended the war on the offensive,… by the end of the war the Red army was running out of infantry and was actually growing weaker.”- p67 Clausewitz Delusion. The Template of the Russian federation has not altered that much. Mass(poor trained conscripts), hardware, firepower, and sheer brutality. What they did in the Caucuses can hardly be called a ideal Coin campaign(if one at all).

The Heer(Wehrmacht) may have had its biases but its hypothesis of the Red army was generally accurate. Institutionally, it was an army based on maneuver, good small unit leadership, and, great operational planning(staffs). It was only when Hitler made them hold every inch(instead of maneuvering) instead of being fluid(like abandoning Stalingrad or canceling Kursk) which is what Manstein argued, that the war begin to degrade they’re army. A sheer war of attrition/slug match, a war of numbers that germany could never match.

LTC Tim...

I’m thinking that having the shit bombed out of them had something to do with it. A few units stood and fought such as the Tawlakana and 12th Armor Divisions to provide a covering force for the troops escaping from Kuwait. Though they fought, they fought poorly and were annihilated in place by the U.S. 7th Corps. We wiped out a brigade in less than 30 minutes in a direct fire fight. One of the captured battalion commanders stated that he had close to 900 men present for duty that morning. We took 41 prisoners.

The Iraqis did not beat the Iranians in the field, rather their use of chemicals and the Iranians use of suicide infantry tactics forced the Iranians to the negotiating table. The war pretty much ended in a draw.

As for the Russians, their own size is proving to be their undoing. Rather than scrapping their arsenal of outmoded equipment, they tried to hang on to it, thus leaving little money for maintenance, training, or personnel. They have no NCO corps to speak of of and thus no discipline or proficiency in fundamental skills. Comparisons to WWII notwithstanding, the Red Army is but a shell of its former self. They cannot even make up for in mass in what they lack in skill.


Hey, ask CPT Eric May… he and “Ghost Troop” probably kicked ass with it while riding unicorns and attacking with lightsabers they got from the aliens that visit Area 51.

USMC Steve

No, the Marines got those sabers, they were the older obsolescent models. And we rode assault armadillos, since they were being phased out in favor of attack ocelots. I heard only the real high speed and low drag army outfits got to use them though. Unicorns were supposedly used only by recon outfits.


STEVE!! This is only the second time I have had a genuine reason to use the term ROTFLMAO since it was explained to me by a teenager months ago. Thank you- the window for this article has been open but unread on my computer for two days, or I would have thanked you back then!


The author needs to be tried for treason. Now that everyone knows about SSSS, all the yhave to do is attack us with an army of deaf people. Why do we keep letting all of our secrets out? BTW ponsdorf, the Faraday Cage doesn’t work without Gauss pants.

What is truly scary is that the author from Iraq Cry can vote, drive a car, and other things that can easily jeopardize peoples’ lives.