Kokesh’s final delegate count?

| March 15, 2010

Someone just emailed me that the final count of delegates in the Kokesh vs. Mullins GOP primary battle is 16% to 84%. Candidates need 20% to get on the ballot. I haven’t found any confirmation of these numbers yet – so it’s all we’ve got. But the tipster is the same source that beat the Santa Fe news Saturday.

As Sparky pointed out the other day, Kokesh can still get on the ballot for the primary by collecting 2,000 signatures. But really, what would be the point? Obviously New Mexico Republicans won’t vote for him – overwhelminly. Even if he’d made the 20% mark, it’s still and indicator of how little chance he had in the primaries – like Ron Paul claiming he had massive support, raising astounding amounts of cash and still not polling above 15 in actual elections.

Now, if Kokesh is a real Republican like he’s been telling us, I expect he’ll come out and endorse Mullins – obviously the Republican choice for Congress in New Mexico’s 3rd District. If Ben Ray Lujan, the Democrat incumbant, is as bad as Kokesh has telling us, he should want to unseat Lujan more than indulge his ego, right?

So, here I am, holding my breath waiting for Kokesh to do the right thing for the party he embraced.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Jon The Mechanic

If he does do the right thing, he has a 1% chance from going from total waste of my air to spare village idiot. However, I am not holding my breath.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn!!!! What in hell are you doing? Holding your breath? Will we see your obit here soon? Expect Kokesh to do the right thing? Are you drinking lib kool-ade, or just teasing us?
I have added Tom Mullins to my selection of non-incumbent candidates with a design in my candidates section here:
http://www.cafepress.com/frankopinions/6907659 Where I have him among the others that I have put up designs for.

Nuf Sed


Jonn, the next Paul-supported/endorsed/troofer/limpdick candidate that 1–ran as a Republican that 2–supports the Republican candidate, will be the first to my knowledge. Hell, even Paul never endorsed McCain, AFAIK.


Wasn’t Paul’s support online mostly “promises”? I mean he never really had the money, just the promise of support that he could call on.


The Paul-bot freaks supported him online with the same zealot, enthusiasm they show for Ron Paul. Do not turn your back on a Paul-bot or the Paul-bot leadership of Oath Keepers.

I wonder if Kokesh will just give it up, head to DC this weekend to be with his IVAW and communist brethren.

Tim Sumner

On Freedom Radio last night we received confirmation from Tom Mullins at to the final count. Here is the interview.



Does this mean POS Kokesh now has to get an actual job? Has he ever been employed or is just living off the loony left.

Concerned Mom

Dudes, just because Adam protested the war does not make him a communist nor a Leftist. The Republican Party used to be about not entangling ourselves in foreign affairs.


Not in and of itself, no, Mom. However, when considering his actions as part of a greater whole, it does demonstrate that he’s pretty much batshit crazy.