The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it’s 65 degrees…

| March 10, 2010

And, oh, Right Wing News has named us to John Hawkins’ 40 Top Conservative Blogs of 2010. Sure we’re tied for 40th place, but it’s an honor to be among all of those names. Since about half of our ideas come from our readers, I credit y’all with getting us recognized.

While I’m basking in the glow out here on my patio looking over to the Blue Ridge Mountains, go over and read Michelle Malkin who has linked to a slew of my Adam Kokesh posts today. She pulls them together nicely – much better than I could.

Category: Bloggers

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AW1 Tim

Congrats, Boss. It’s also an honor to be able to read and comment here.



So that was who was linking all those post earlier.


Yep, it was a full court press on Kokesh today with Captain Bailey leading the charge on the G Gordon Liddy radio show.


Well, you’re number 1 on my list, Jonn 🙂