Barry Sure Nailed it on that Surge Thingy
“This continues to be a disastrous foreign policy mistake,” he said. “There are bad options and worse options.” Senator Barack Obama, Cocker Patraeus hearings
Barry has repeatedly said that the surge was fool hearty and doomed to failure. He was wrong.
He’s still preaching to the mouth-breathing, mindless peaceniks that he will start an immediate troop withdrawal. And he will continue to say this…until he is elected.
Remember the Samantha Power interview?
In an interview with the BBC program HARDtalk, Power was asked about Barack Obama’s plan to remove American troops from Iraq. In her response, she described the candidate’s tight withdrawal timetable as “a best-case scenario,” which he would “revisit” once elected.
“You can’t make a commitment in March 2008 about what circumstances will be like in January of 2009.
Read that as: Once you retards elect me, I’ll do whatever I damn well please.
Just yesterday the Messiah again claimed that Iraq was distracting from the effort in Afghanistan which is quickly becoming another quagmire. This was a point that apparently leaders on the ground in Afghanistan aren’t aware of.
Despite Obama’s assertions that Iraq is distracting from the fight in Afghanistan, this new report from the front lines emerges:
Missions by special forces and air strikes by unmanned drones have “decapitated” the Taliban and brought the war in Afghanistan to a “tipping point”, the commander of British forces has said.
The new “precise, surgical” tactics have killed scores of insurgent leaders and made it extremely difficult for Pakistan-based Taliban leaders to prosecute the campaign, according to Brig Mark Carleton-Smith.
Maybe Barry should talk to Hillary about a “willing suspension of disbelief”?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
BHO must be getting his information on the war from Murtha.
When one makes such a huge investment in the defeat of his own country, it’s going to come right back ‘atcha and bite him in the butt!
Do any of us really want a Commander-in-Chief that’s so invested in our defeat?
Rochester Veteran:
You, me and most of us with more than 6 brain cells don’t want a C in C like that. The problem lies in the idiots that are his following. They believe the shit he spreads, and the dummies will vote for him in November. We need to, must, get out the vote, must engage those who would otherwise sit home. John McCain is not my first choice as a Republican Candidate, but I must say that I love my country more than I dislike him. I owe it to my neighbor, to my kids and grandkids, and to myself to do all that I can to prevent us being saddled with a head of state that is not a leader. With a C in C who is such a defeatist. I am ragging on everyone to get them active in this endeavor. We sheepdogs must get to the job now.
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