The Richard E. Owens saga in the Washington Post
Brigid Schulte of the Washington Post sent us a link to her article about the search for a resting place for Purple Heart certificate of Richard E. Owens who died in a plane crash over Normandy more than a decade before any of us were born. I’m sure TSO, who is mentioned in the article a few times, will have something to say about it in the coming days, but I just wanted to mention the story, even though my roll in the unfolding story was minor (mostly I acted as a switchboard operator forwarding emails).
I’m proud that TAH played a part in reuniting the parties and objects involved. This whole story adds an entirely new dimension to the Ranger’s Creed line “I will never leave a fallen comrade….”
Category: Bloggers, Blue Skies, Military issues
Great job guys, and to everybody who assisted in this mission. Here is wishing we all have somebody who will keep our memory alive.
Thanks to the Washington Post for writing about it.
Guess now is a good time to plug the Warrior Legacy Foundation.
There is a bond between those who have served that others will never understand. Great job, folks. Great job all around.
There is a God in Heaven, and He does love and guide the hands of His children . . . . . .
To me, America is not a merely a place, or a government, or group of people living in a geographic area.
To me, America is an unbroken series of extraordinary courage and unselfish events performed by ordinary people.
Thank you for helping to preserve another account of a great American whose act of virtue included the ultimate sacrifice.
Great job to all of the folks involved in this. As Tim said, there is a bond that links all who have served.
Guys, a hanky alert would have been nice. My mascara is now running a bit.
Beautiful story.
Great job to those who helped make this happen.
God bless you all, for keeping the memory of a trooper intact.
A verse of “Rendezvous With Destiny” would now be appropriate, from those who have worn the glider patch on their headgear.
The article did a great job of demonstrating that there is a real life and story behind every veteran… I think sometimes people lose sight of that.
The 101st does have a brotherhood spirit among the generations. I was in the minority at Campbell (and Iraq) for being on actual jump status, although I doubt that matters to achieve the kindred spirit dynamic.
That’s pretty darn cool. Well done to all involved.
My monitor kept getting all blurry and fuzzy….Does that mean I need a new one?
Great job to everybody! It was very interesting to watch all of this unfold. We gonna see pics of TSO at the re-uniting ceremony?