Iraq deaths down, but for how long?
Associated Press is the first news agency to hope for more American deaths in Iraq – well, today. In an article entitled “Iraq deaths down, but for how long?”, they speculate how long the death rate among Americans will stay at all time lows;
U.S. military deaths plunged in May to the lowest monthly level in more than four years and civilian casualties were down sharply, too, as Iraqi forces assumed the lead in offensives in three cities and a truce with Shiite extremists took hold.
But many Iraqis as well as U.S. officials and private security analysts are uncertain whether the current lull signals a long-term trend or is simply a breathing spell like so many others before.
AP has a nasty habit of changing their headlines after I write these posts, so this time I took a screen capture;
Funny, but they don’t seem to quote or name “US Officials” or “private security analysts” to support their supposition that this is only temporary. They weren’t this quick to cast doubt on analysts who wrongly said we were in a recession.
Category: Media, Politics, Terror War
I try my best not to read anything the Al Qaeda Press publishes.
This was in my local paper, too. Such a negative news agency, the AP. I’m sure you saw the controversy over at B5, with AHSP defending them to the death. It’s like they are vampires waiting to report anythng negative. You don’t suppose they’d ever headline it,”Excellent news from Iraq” …Now that the insurgency has been put to a stand-still by US and iraqi forces, the number of deaths, killings and bombings has dropped significantly, perhaps qualifying the success of the surge.” I know, just a pipe dream that spin could be positive. Groan.