Obama sends in the clowns
Since Barack Obama has no foreign policy experience, or any other kind of experience worth note, his campaign has decided that they’ll rely on their supporters as surrogates to attack McCain. Today, John Kerry took on McCain’s Iraq policy, according to the WSJ’s Washington Wire;
“John McCain is out of step with history and facts,” Kerry said today, calling the Iraq War a mistake. “John McCain defends that mistake, Barack Obama understood from the beginning that it was a mistake,” he said, “By any measure this is a failed foreign policy that not only is John McCain defending, but promising to continue for four more years.”
Kerry is admitting that Obama knows more than Kerry, who voted for the war himself (before he voted against it)? It’s not a failed foreign policy, unless you want to talk about the failure of Democrats to turn it into a failed policy. Kerry is the last person we want telling us who is out of step with history and facts. The same guy who claims he was in Cambodia for Christmas, 1968 while Richard Nixon was President.
Kerry continued;
The Massachusetts senator also knocked McCain’s quasi-serious offer to go to Iraq with Obama, who has not been there since 2006. Kerry said he would recommend Obama make the trip, but on his own terms. Kerry said McCain’s offer rang hollow and would result only in a “media circus” and considered it a “political stunt.”
It’s a political stunt to highlight the fact that Obama hasn’t been in Iraq to assess the situation for himself since the war has turned around? I’d say it’s a political stunt to avoid making a personal assessment, lest those pesky facts get in the way of pounding away at outdated campaign rhetoric.
Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle joined the McCain-bashing;
Doyle also criticized McCain for featuring Gen. David Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen in an email fund-raising solicitation. As ABC reported, Mullen recently cautioned military employees to remain “apolitical” this campaign season.
“It is the kind of politicization of the military that we have worked so hard not to happen here,” Doyle said. “They are not to be used in political fodder in one way or another.” Obama’s campaign Web site also features images of troops, a factor the McCain campaign references.
Funny, Obama can put images of the troops on his website, but John McCain can’t? Why? Is it racist?
When is John Kerry going to tell us that the troops are too stupid to know anything about politics to take part in a Republican campaign?
I just think it’s damn awful funny that Democrats don’t understand that Kerry is damaged goods. He’s blithering idiot yet they still trot him out as some sort of expert. But, then again, he’s the best they’ve got isn’t he?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
Well!!!!!! John McCain doesn’t see dead soldiers in his audience.
Barack- Bwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha.
nuf sed
Just add Kerry, et al, to the growing list of albatrosses hanging around Barry’ neck. [shrug]
John F’ng Kerry? A “veteran”? Perhaps. Served on board an off-shore ship during his First “tour.”
Then, after he was assigned to potentially close combat missions as a Patrol Boat (fiberglass) commander, “discovered” the 3-wounds rule, and got transferred back to the United States? [Err, cowardice under fire? Still unanswered questions about the status of his ORIGINAL discharge? No longer (within the statute of limitations) willing to Challenge (legally) the accusations of his fellow “Swift Boat” veterans?
Too many “questions” to be answered by “Lurch.”
The television “Lurch” wasn’t a “clown.” He was an actor. The current version of “Lurch” (or “Lerch” as I’ve seen on other blogs) may also be an “actor,” but he absolutely refused to acknowledge this.
In my opinion, he was given a “Less Than Honorable” discharge, and later upgraded it due to President (I’m an Arab whore) Jimmy Carter’s blanket PARDON for Vietnam War protesters.
Just my opinion. Of course Senator Kerry could disprove everything by releasing the full disclosure of his military records.
By the way, why hasn’t the Obamamessiah released HIS medical records, like John McCain has? As I have said before, McCain IS NOT my first or second choice for the Republican (very MUCH no longer the “Conservative” nominee), but he did release his medical records. Okay, Obbie, what are YOU hiding?
Great post, Jonn.