Casey breaks with Administration

| February 2, 2007

This morning, Rowan Scarborough in the Washington Times reports;

The outgoing U.S. commander in Baghdad yesterday broke with his superiors, including President Bush, by telling a Senate committee he does not agree with their dire assessments that the Iraq war is failing.
    “I do not agree that we have a failed policy,” Army Gen. George Casey told the Senate Armed Services Committee in confirmation hearings for him to be the next Army chief of staff.

It’s the same thing I’ve been saying all along – just because the Democrats took the majority in Congress by a razor-thin margin, that doesn’t mean that we all need to admit that the war in Iraq is failing. That’s the general feeling I get from the Bush Administration lately, and journalists and Democrats are jumping on it.

For some reason, it’s now a foregone conclusion in any discussion that the war is going badly. Yeah, the American people are dissatisfied with the results and it may have something to do with the elections last November but that’s only because they are misinformed by the radicalized media who wouldn’t report good news in Iraq with a gun at their head.

I have the privilege of eating breakfast every Saturday morning with our wounded heros at Walter Reed – you know the guys and gals who’ve lost limbs and friends to the enemy. A more up-beat group has never existed. See, I get my optimism about the war from the folks who are fighting it and making the big sacrifices, not from some “scientific poll” with misworded questions.

I’d say that General Casey gets his optimism from the same people I get mine from.

Category: Terror War

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