Operation New Dawn: WTF?

| February 19, 2010

The people who came up with the name Operation New Dawn

When I woke up this morning, I got a message from my friend and paratrooper James who is currently in Afghanistan fighting the good fight. He asked me if I was “ready” for Operation New Dawn. Right away I assumed it was one of two things: 1.) the name of the bar-hopping campaign James and I will conduct when James is on R&R or 2.) the name the DoD is giving to  the operation to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. However, I was wrong. Operation New Dawn will be the new name for Operation Iraqi Freedom, starting September 1st. My reaction to this new name was a combination of laughter, disbelief, and anger.

My first question of course was what the hell kinda of name is Operation New Dawn? It sounds like it was made up by a bunch of hippies that live on a commune in Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district. Yeah we had Operation Red Dawn, but that was named after one of the greatest movies ever made and it was the op where we nabbed Saddam. How does Operation New Dawn fit in with these names: Operation Gothic Serpent, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Phantom Fury, Operation Overload, Operation Steel Curtain… it doesn’t. Operation Iraqi Freedom was a little corny but it got the point across about what we were doing in Iraq. Operation New Dawn sounds like for the next year and a half we are just going to have one big hippy jamfest in the desert.

Then there was the question of campaign medals and badges. What will the Operation New Dawn campaign medal look like? A rainbow with a smiley face in the middle? Will a Combat Action Ribbon earned in Iraq become the Combat Love Ribbon?

The next question is why change the name at all? I have a couple of theories on this. Last week, Biden’s dumbass was in the news for claiming credit for the successes we have had in Iraq. Of course, it was pointed out that Obama really hasn’t done anything with Iraq and is just following the timeline that the Bush administration and Iraqi government agreed on towards the end of 08.  The war has effectively been on autopilot since Bush left office, with Obama and the DoD just changing a few units’ deployments around. This is the Obama’s administration way of trying to put their stamp on the war, now that Iraq has been stablized and we are withdrawing. Operation Iraqi Freedom was Bush’s baby, now Obama is trying to steal it from the hospital and rename it Operation New Dawn. Also look at the date of September 1st. I can see Obama and Biden declaring victory and claiming credit for “ending” Operation Iraqi Freedom just in time for the midterm elections. Yeah that may be a stretch for some people, but is anything this ridiculous a stretch for Joe and Barry?

Which brings up another point: the August date for the withdrawal of combat forces is just another day on the calendar, IT DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING. There will still be combat arms units in Iraq. They will just be called by different names like “Advise and Assist Brigades”, Task Force MP, or military training teams. But they will still be combat units. Who do you think is going to guard the bases for the next year and a half? Who is going to train Iraqi soldiers? A bunch of pogues?

Of course don’t expect the MSM to report this. They have been wrong about everything from WMDs to body armor to the Surge. Don’t expect them to start getting things now.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics, Terror War

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Rejected alternatives:

Operation Red Dawn
Operation PM Dawn
Operation Delta Dawn
Operation Dawn Takes Grease Out Of Your Way
Operation Dawn Of The Living Dead


I spent a month in Kuwait as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, then 10 months in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Looks like I need to go back so I can claim credit for Operation New Dawn. It would remind me of such memories as my excursions with the MILF named Dawn, or giving my little puppy a bath with Dawn dish detergent. Waking up at dawn from an all-night drunk in my car, wondering how I got there. Ah, the memories this name change brings…


The name comes from that sappy Obambi campaign insignia/logo the kinda/sorta looks like a red, white and blue sunrise.

This will also be the design of the campaign medal and ribbon but they will be about 1 1/2″ in diameter in day-glo colors.

The DNC has millions on hand already since they overbought in 2008 planning on use in the 2012 election. Since he will be “one and done” they needed to find some use for them.


I can just see the window decals “Operation New Dawn Veteran” for those that deploy after the name change without prior service in Iraqi. It will probably have an Obama symbol on it.


I just can’t understand why the 0/Biden team didn’t look up Claymore to “rename” their version of history. I’m just shocked, shocked, I tell you they didn’t go for Red Dawn. Seems he nailed it, at least for their side of the story.

Dave Thul

If there is a new operation name, does that mean a new campaign medal?

richard mcenroe

I beg to differ.

The NONcombat forces left in Iraq will be trained and dedicated specialists….


This is just gay…Tom Cruise gay… Who comes up with this shit? How can anyone in uniform take this serious? I don’t think I could say, “I am a veterand of the Operation New Dawn,” with a straight face. O and ‘Fightin’ Joe Biden…


richard mcenroe:
That is too damn funny. Nothing like a little Python.


I knew a Dawn once upon a time…..twas built like you wouldn’t believe!


Now IVAW is now going to have to Change their names. NDVAW chapters should be standing up at any point now.

Operator Dan

Good point Sporkmaster.



It’s going to be Operation Fireman Carry like Thanksgiving Weekend before I left for Afghanistan.


I am currently deployed to Iraq. I am Infantry and am part of an Assist and Advise Brigade. We are definitely combat troops, with most of us having multiple deployments to this place back when there were bullets flying. It is a name change, nothing more.


Actually, it comes from that bunch of hippies out in CA. Bohemian Grove folks always name these things. It’s about Aquarius, the new age in which the sun no longer rises in the constellation of Pisces, but in Aquarius, the water bearer. “Dawn of a New Day.” It was even on the brochure in that new series, “V.” It’s one of the catch phrases that the Bohemian Grove people use. What, you guys didn’t know you were killing for a bunch of cultist freaks?




Operation New Dawn, WOW How nice, so whats next on the change list?


What’s next, Operation Summer’s Eve?


I’ve been here since June 2010, So i am participating in the last bits of OP Iraqi Freedom and the beginning of OP New Dawn. It was a slap in the face when i read that the last of the “combat” troops were leaving. This war is long from over. Even if we leave, there has been almost no progress made since i have been here.


“Red Dawn” one of the greatest movies ever made?? A real dumbass remark to justify your Operation Red Dawn?? Dumbass reasoning. And when you say “…we nabbed Sadam…” you better have actually been at the site with soldiers. Too desperate even for a conservative.


Really, how stupid can you really be? There are soldiers still getting shot at in Iraq. Do you think the fucking Iraqis give two shit about Operation New Dawn? It’s a new fucking war out there and you guys are stuck on a stupid name. WOW….

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, we were “stuck on a stupid name” a fucking year ago. Where have you been?


This Operation New Dawn is just a bunch of political bullshit for the Dems to try to win the midterms, oh wait they lost big! What is IVAW? Is that a military unit of something?




yes, still getting combat pay to set here and do nothing!