Speaking of Joe “Smarter than you” Biden

| February 11, 2010

The LA Times catches Joe Biden on the Larry King Show last night (Lord knows none of us would have caught it during our regular programming hours);

I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

I spent — I’ve been there 17 times now. I go about every two months — three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It’s impressed me. I’ve been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences.

Hmm, lemme see what Biden’s record has been on Iraq. First he voted for the use of force against Hussein, then he told us the only way to pacify Iraq was to partition it by religious beliefs, then he told us that war was lost and we should just pull out. Sure, Biden visits Iraq frequently, but you have to wonder if he’d be doing that if we’d adopted any of his hare-brained schemes for Iraq.

And, oh, by the way, this administration’s “great achievement” in Iraq was brought about by the same policy the President and Vice President BOTH opposed in 2006 and 2007 – the “surge”. So how do they summon the chutpah to claim it as their achievement?

Perhaps they’d like to claim credit for the pacification of Germany and Japan, too, since we’re drawing down the forces in those two countries, too.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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BFD. I visit the subway twice a day. Can I take credit for the trains running on time?

This man must be criminally stupid to believe Americans will give him or bambi credit for winning in Iraq.


They will claim credit for the pacification of Germany and Japan, right after Comrade 0 apologizes to them for the US being overly aggressive, “arrogant, dismissive and even derisive”.
How do they summon the chutzpah to claim credit, you ask? Because the State Run Media will try to peddle that line to the people, that’s how. They will get the credit for getting the US out of an unpopular, mis-directed war, to the accompaniment of unicorn farts and applause from the douchebags of the far left.

Old Tanker

Funny, I keep hearing how O inherited this economy (that he voted for) Will he now admit he “inherited” victory inIraq? (that he voted against)

not holding my breath…..


They keep Joe around to protect the president from the crazies. He’s next in line followed by the Queen of San Fran-syphilis.


And this moron is one heart beat from the Presidency.


Got a rare chance to listen to Rush today–he pointed out the complete 180 that Slow Joe has done on Iraq.


Ken: If you think that’s depressing, think of the moron that’s just two heartbeats away from the Presidency!