Because it is the law of the land dipshit.
Our senior military leaders want to end DADT. The experience of the CJCS is that junior and mid-career servicemembers want to end DADT. Even Dick Cheney wants to end DADT. I challenge anyone to give me one sound, reasonable excuse for why the policy is in place. I can’t think of any facet of it that makes any sense, whatsoever.
How about you get your Democratic masters to change the law? I know you don’t give a shit about the law, but the Constitution vests with Congress law making powers and regulation of the Armed Forces. (Google Art I, Section 8 Dick.)
(13) The prohibition against homosexual conduct is a longstanding element of military law that continues to be necessary in the unique circumstances of military service.
(14) The armed forces must maintain personnel policies that exclude persons whose presence in the armed forces would create an unacceptable risk to the armed forces’ high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.
(15) The presence in the armed forces of persons who demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.
Whatever you do, stop posing bullshit questions you know the answer too in an effort to use rhetoric to shift blame. Hold your parties feet to the fire instead of bending over and grabbing your own for them.
Category: Politics
Oh, hell, I dunno–maybe it’s that whole, “good order and discipline” bit I always used to hear about. Ever think THAT might be the reason DADT hasn’t been repealed yet?
Dicksmith likes to play these verbal games. He will leave it open, thus conveying that clearly there is an evil person doing all this. It’s not entirely clear who he is even referencing, is it the Republicans, Right Wing military officers, the lady who bags your groceries? Tell us Dick, why is such a policy in place? And in doing so, he basically lets Congress off Scot free, when it is them who need to change the law.
The reason the policy is in place is that we are supposed to be a society based on laws, and the law is what i posted above. You don’t like it? elect folks who will change the law. But Dick can’t say that because for the past year and a half he’s been talking about how damn grand it is to have a Congress that uses reason etc, even though evil Republicans keep blocking it. Well, show me on the house calender when this is coming for a vote. I mean, he praised Murphy for sponsoring it, and nothing…
I googled the problem and it seems is having trouble with videos lately. I used their temporary fix and all the videos seem to be working now. Thanks for checking the blog out.
Thanks Sean, I will link it tomorrow then, it will hold, but damn what a classic video. And how you included Warcraft II is astonishing, but it was quite apt.
(Everyone else ignore Sean and I, you will understand tomorrow.)
If I felt, for one minute, that repealing DADT would make the Army a better Army, I would support it. But it will not.
I know I am going to sound stupid, but what does DADT stand for? By that I am talking about the letters DADT.
Sparky I am not trying to be a smart ass, but everytime I hear “good order and discipline” I think of when my parents would say “because I said so.”
If DADT is repealed it will take take time, but the military will adapt. Just like it always has…
Don’t ask.
Don’t tell.