Evan Bayh Jumps Ship

| February 15, 2010

This could turn out to be a major turning point in this election cycle.

American Spectator reports the news:

Another major blow to Democrats this morning, with the stunning news that Sen. Evan Bayh will retire and not seek reelection this year. A popular former governor in Indiana with a long family history in the state, he would have been the strongest possible candidate. This is further indication that moderate Democrats running in red states are eager to jump ship in what they expect to be a rough November.

This is huge news because Bayh apparently knows something that most of us don’t. In the latest polls since Republican former senator Dan Coats announced his candidacy Bayh was up by 20 points!

I do believe that this will be a very bad year for Democrats but 20 points!?

And it gets worse for Harry Reid and the rest of the socialists.

The timing of this is extremely bad for the Democrats. Indiana election law is fairly clear about the timing for a candidate to file for a primary.

Sec. 4. (a) A declaration of candidacy for a primary election must be filed not later than noon seventy-four (74) days and not earlier than one hundred four (104) days before the primary election. The declaration must be subscribed and sworn to before a person authorized to administer oaths.

That 74th day is Friday. And the person needs to produce 4500 signatures as well.

Category: Politics

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Well, election law didn’t mean shit in Jersey, when Lautenberg was given the chance to get back in the race, even though their law said pretty much the same thing. You have to remember that rules only apply to conservatives.


Something tells me this is going to get worse for the Dems the more they try to take a harder leftward stance.

Operator Dan

COB 6- I think we might be hearing something come out about Bayh in the next couple of days….


I agreed with Operator Dan- there must be something there about him that hasn’t come out yet.

Indiana Ed

It’s not just the 20 points. Last I heard Bayh has something like 13 million bucks in his “war chest”. I’ve lived in Indiana all my life and been watching this guy for decades, and I can’t believe at 54 he’s done with politics. Something fishy as hell is going on here. Either Operator Dan is right and he’s been “hiking the appalachian trail” or the like, OR somethings in the works (running against Obama in 12?). In either event he wouldn’t do this just to become a lobbyist… the guys a multimillionaire as it is.

brown neck gaitor

OldTrooper is dead on.

Sometime this or next week there will be a brief filed that states that “Citizens will be denied thier representation” by not having a Democrat to vote for. Someone will show that Indiana has the option for a write in candidate. And the filer of the original brief will explain how minorities will be affected more than Whites by being required to write in a candidate.

The judge will toss out the law.


The 4500 signatures wouildn’t be a problem. They keep that many on file from death certificates.