Just so you know

| January 29, 2010

This is the uniform for today out here in the world of telecommuting;


Thanks to Mom.

Category: Bloggers

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bwahhha. As much as I would love to telecommute naked,I do prefer to feel accomplished by getting dressed. It’s the least I can do.

Cdat (Retired)

How can you do the morning run if you’re naked? It was friggin’ 8 below zero this morning!


Jonn? Is that you, dude? Like Cdat said, it’s way too cold for that, 10 below and the furnace just isn’t keeping up yet.

AW1 Tim

Heh.. it was friggin’ COLD last night here in Maine. This morning, as the oldest headed off to work, it was -1 with wind gusts up to 40 kts.

Still gusts and cold as all get out.

And I walk nowadays. Or call a cab. 🙂


I can totally see this.


I could have lived the rest of my life without the visual of Jonn nekkid. Oh, I’m gonna have to take a cheese grater to my brain to get that visual out.

tax preparer

The $1,000 per kid credit is definitely nice. I can see where they will at some point have to reduce it as we can’t keep up with all these credits in the face of rising deficits. The one that I think will hurt the most is if they let the payroll tax cut (the 2% reduced to Soc Sec) expire. I was never really in favor of it because I knew it would be one of those things that would be hard to just let expire, and now look what’s happened.
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