Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| March 18, 2025 | 11 Comments

Staff did what now?


And when I take my toddlers to a strip club, I’m a bad parent

Yeah, that was a stupid idea

Not a looker in the bunch


Tampon Tim hates most successful African American

Babies that survived their murder are very inconvenient

Our Seagull isn’t the strangest guy in Berkeley

I want Homan for President in 2028

This sounds like very hateful racism

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Follow my daughter/granddaughter into the locker room and force her to undress in front of you and a male?

We’re gonna have some issues there, the results of which you may remember for the rest of you life – however long that is.

If those adults are not charged with child abuse, sexual abuse of a child, and a host of other crimes, there needs to be some pitchfork & torch parties held in their front yards.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Graybeard

Ya mispelled “necktie parties in their front yards.” Graybeard.


“I dint see nothin, lawdog. I was busy lookin over that way…”




pour en·​cou·​ra·​ger les autres


If that happened to my daughter/grandaughter, I’d be facing charges of felonious assault. And proud of it.


Saw an article today where parents of a Bellaire HS student in Houston ISD gave specific instructions that their daughter’s name and birth gender are to be used and followed – and the school ignored them. I doubt it will ignore their lawsuit.


Defund pubic schoolslocal governmentsstate governmentsgovernment.


Amen. Public schools are nothing more than socialist government facilities practicing indoctrination and subversion.


Don’t know which had me tearing up with joy more. The single digit clap out crowd or the one guy holding a sign. Notice that the protestor budget seems to be flagging lately.

Also let’s not make any assumptions that commissary wasn’t in a furry outfit. I could totally see him role playing a female Labrador Retriever. I’m not saying he is a bitch, we already know that, I’m saying he likes it.


That last one: He broke several of his own rules. He assumed the gender of the “women” and their “husbands”, he assumed both of their pronouns, he assumed that they follow a God, assumed that they are religious or spiritual at all. Calling them white supremacist is about the only one of the rules from that group of people that he got right.

See, they can’t even keep up with their own BS!?