A Thank You and an Introduction

| May 14, 2008

First, a huge thank you to Jonn for letting me post here. I hope that I can occasionally offer something of value in the dialogue.

Jonn’s introduction was typical of him, very understated. The following is an excerpt from a Valorous Unit Award that Jonn and I helped to secure:

The 41st Infantry was called upon to deploy to Southwest Asia to prepare for the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi hands. On 15 February 1991, Task Force 1-41 IN began firing on the enemy. TF 1-41 was the first coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border and conduct ground combat operations in Iraq. For six hours the task force engaged a brigade sized element. A tenacious and determined enemy occupied extremely well prepared and heavily fortified bunkers. Task force elements dismounted and engaged the Iraqis in numerous short range fire fights while methodically clearing the extensive bunker complex. By morning, the Task Force had systematically reduced the entrenched enemy position in zone.

More to Jonn specifically. He was one of the best NCOs I ever worked with and believe me, that is high praise considering some of the icons of the Infantry community that I have worked with.

I also bring a perspective of having a son in the 82nd Airborne Division that just returned from his third tour and a daughter in the 4th Infantry Division. She’s a 2LT and has not yet deployed and obviously she’s not Infantry.

So, I hope to post things that are relevant and hopefully make us all think a bit deeper.

I will also post some complete nonsense because I have been known for years as a wise cracking smart-ass.

Jonn wrote: I’ll be busy this morning at the IVAW Congressional hearings, so ya’all have fun welcoming Danny.  And a big thanks to Danny for joining our discussions. We’ve got some pretty experienced wise-cracking smartasses, too.

Category: Administrative

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Thus Spake Ortner

Welcome sir. Best blog around here.

509th Bob



Welcome! I agree with TSO that this is a great blog to be on!


Glad to see you posting here COB, but I will miss the oxygen thief of the week reads.


As an old Navy Bubblehead, I will try to remember that COB doesn’t stand for “Chief of the Boat”. (although in retrospect, yours may have been a more accurate translation of the acronym. LOL) I look forward to reading your posts.